Stock Price: Netflix, Aurora Cannabis, Olympus, Pfizer and Freddie Mac

The first stock I choose is Netflix, Inc., as we all know that Netflix is a really huge company that most of American citizen will choose to watch TV show and movies from it, and it is the "world's seventh-largest internet company by revenue" as the internet shows. The reason why I purchased it is because of its fame which could ensure that there would not be a sudden fall in the market, it is a safe stock to choose as what I am seeing right now.

By looking at its annual report of its financial figures from pervious year it shows a really good trend, in 2017 the Total liabilities and stockholders' equity raised from 14,359,096 to 19,012,742, and till 2018, it raised from 20,252,797 to 27,218,632 which shows it is going positive direction. Also its income statement shows the total revenue in 2015 is 2,188,035, and in 2018 becomes 5,826,803, which is a huge increase throughout the years, an upward sloping in this stock as a large cap.

The market sector of this stock is Consumer Cyclical, which means it is a stock that going to be affected by changes in the economic cycle.

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As one of the biggest media company, it will get affected by the consumers, however, even though it is not as stable as other sectors and facing a certain risk because of its volatility, but it is an up going stock and faving a really good economic growth in the future.

"We compete with (and lose to) 'Fortnite' more than HBO," Netflix said. Basically all the TV company has the potentially to become its competitors because of the elastic in this industry and many global channel is going on that makes Netflix is faced problems like absence from the global market.

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I purchased 10 shares at price 366.47 which is 3664.7 in total and takes up 1/3 of my fund. Therefore, the status is very important, if I lose a lot of money, then my dream might break.

Aurora Cannabis Inc.

The second stock I choose is Aurora Cannabis Inc., it is a Canadian Medical company that has lots of licenses in selling medical cannabis which could help release the pain in the patient. The reason why I purchase this stock is only for interests, and the company has showing a really good revenue in long run.

By looking at its total revenue yearly, from 2016 to 2018, it grows from 2,202 to 43,519. A huge jump between years that shows it is a growth stock, earnings are expected to increase at a faster rate than the average company within the same industry. It is a Mid-cap stock.

The market sector for Aurora Cannabis Inc. is healthcare, which means its economic growth is depending on companies who purchased its products and services. Even though it is not as volatility as others and have a huge accessibility compared to the government owned, but it also contains corruption which makes people pay extra for a service which should be free in the first place.

The top 10 competitors in Aurora's competitive set are Supreme, Aphria, Solis Foods, Lift Cannabis, Canopy Growth, Canndescent, Alef, Organigram, Auxly, and Natura.

However, even though it is facing so many competitors, but the reports addressed "Aurora Cannabis: The Reason They Will Exceed Over All Competitors" and gives reason of "Aurora has had a huge increase in patients and grams sold which shows promising growth", and "With investments worth nearly $700 million, they have acted as a marijuana hedge fund".

I purchased 500 shares at price 6.77 which is total 3385, nearly 1/3 of my fund, so it faced kind an important status in my plan of being independent.

Olympus Corporation

The third stock I choose is Olympus Corporation, it is a Japanese manufacturer of optics and reprography products, specializing in microscopes and thermometers, and holds roughly a 70-percent share of the global endoscope market. The reason I choose it is because it is a brand of my camera, as a consumer of their company, I know how well their product is and I trust it will bring me profits.

The financial figure looks very stable through years. By looking at its total revenue, it did not change very much because it already really large, from 2015, the number is 489,851,000, 2018 the number change to 510,484,000. It is a income stock with stable growth of revenue in years. It is a large-cap stock.

The market sector for Olympus Corporation is also healthcare, which means it will vary on companies who purchased its products and not as much as volatility as others, but more accessibility.

Many of the well known camera brands are the competitors of this company, such as Canon, Casio, Kodak, Sony, Panasonic, Nikon, Samsung, and HP Hewlett-Packard.

However, through statistics from its employees, and revenues, Olympus Corporation has surpass others and got a lead on the industry. The employees of Olympus Corporation stays at 35,933 steadily, unlike its competitor GoPro whose employees is 1,273 and have a 16 precent downward slop.

I purchased 40 shares at price 10.11 which is 404.5. It is not a main factor of my whole plan, but I really look forward to see what percentage of profit it could bring to me.

Pfizer Inc.

The forth stock I pick is Pfizer Inc., it is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation and it is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. I knew this brand from my grandfather's everyday medicine Norvasc Amlodipine Besylate, it is a medicine for treating hypertension, so I want to purchase some of the stock from the World's biggest medicine company.

By looking at its financial figure, through the number of total revenue from 2015 to 2018, from 39,490,000 to 42,519,000, we could see an upward sloping, a really substantial increase in years. It is a large-cap stock.

The market sector is still healthcare without any surprise.

The main competitor of Pfizer Inc would be Merck & Co. as one of the largest pharmaceuticals companies in the world today. Though several of its top 10 revenue-producing products are considered specialty drugs since they cater to illnesses that are not widespread, at least one of its drugs directly competes with Pfizer.

However, even though the situation now seems it is going to beat up by some of its competitors as the result of that Pfizer Inc reported Total Revenue increase in the 4 quarter 2018 by 4.7 % year on year, and the revenue growth was below Pfizer Inc's competitors average revenue growth of 22.39 %, recorded in the same quarter. But as a long run, old founded medicine company, because of its fame worldwide, consumers will not lose trust on it, and in the long run the economic growth will keep increasing but in a slow rate.

I purchased 48 shares at price 41.48 which is total 2000 dollars. Although I did not really look for a huge growth, but I believe this stock is the most safe stock to invest in a long run.

Freddie Mac

The last stock I choose is Freddie Mac, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, known as Freddie Mac, is a public government-sponsored enterprise and ranked No. 38 on the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue. It was a speculation I did when I was viewing at the Stock Market website, and I saw that this stock is having a upward sloping so I just choose this one with unknown luck.

By looking at its financial figure, the total revenue shows from 2015 to 2018 from 14,252,000 to 15,385,000, a huge shift shows it is an income stock as more and more people need the loan to support their life. It is a large-cap stock.

The market sector for Freddie Mac is Financial Services, it is the economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad range of businesses that manage money. The profit behind money is huge money, especially a government supported program.

The main competitor of Freddie Mac will be Fannie Mae who has the same status and similar situation. Both entities established by the government to boost the housing market and they make mortgages possible.

However, by comparing them, Freddie Mac did not have a government guarantee for its loans. It wanted to transfer the risk of default. It did this by putting together similar types of loans into mortgage-backed securities. It then sold these securities to hedge funds, pension funds, and individual investors. Which means it could buy non-FHA mortgages and translate them into MBS facing more volatility.

I purchased 359 shares at price 1.52 which in total is 545.8 dollars. Not a huge investment as my final purchase, I just used up all my money and look for a miracle.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Stock Price: Netflix, Aurora Cannabis, Olympus, Pfizer and Freddie Mac. (2019, Dec 01). Retrieved from

Stock Price: Netflix, Aurora Cannabis, Olympus, Pfizer and Freddie Mac essay
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