The Evolving Door: Public Administration in the 21st Dom Ashley

Careful management turnover could consist of training with current or previous members of the workforce who has done their job incredibly well. The training can consist of workshops that would best help a public administrator make ethical decisions and solutions. Globalization Since the 20th century and now in the 21st century, we have witnessed several changes that have impacted political systems, governance, state-society relations and most important, public administration. Just like public administration, globalization has many definitions. Depending on the individual you ask for the definition of globalization, the meaning can change every time.

While researching on the topic, one could say the definition of globalization is a new phenomenon that pushes for the private sector. However, globalization can be simply defined as a process one achieving globalism. Globalism is preparing for economic and foreign policy based on global basis. With globalization, national economies, such as trade, investment, capital flow, labor migration, and technology become a challenge facing public administration.

According to Abonyi and Slyke (2010), Globalization “is shaping new types of interactions and interdependence among nations, economies, and people, and in the process, it is changing the basic role and functions of government.

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” Since the 1980s, globalization has been the result of economic, political and technological systems. Mintzberg (2004) notes that the main challenge towards public administration is the connecting government to the increasing global environment. The change in public-private sphere has happened due to the globalizing corporate sector (Farazmand 1999). The rise of globalization has pushed for privatization as a societal adjustment.

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With push of privatization, it can lead to corruption and the elites being empower. Public administrators should focus on maintaining the societal resources and engage their constituents in the governance of public affairs. If public administrators do not act, corruption within globalization under privatization will continue to take place (Vaz, 2016). What is privatization? Privatization is a process where an industry transitions from public sector to private sector.

“Privatization is a worldwide phenomenon” (Schneider 2018). We have witnessed firsthand of governments wanting to turn to the private sectors in order to reduce cost. Privatization is based off the theory that market competition in the private sector is a more efficient than the public sector. Scholars believe that the private sector help with more efficient ways to better serve all citizens. It is vital that we distinguish the difference between private and public goods. Private goods are best known for being rivalry in consumption and excludability in ownership (Schneider 2018). Meaning that particular goods cannot be shared and only one person has ownership over the good. Public goods are the opposite of private goods. Public goods are non-rivalrous and non-excludable (Schneider 2018).

Meaning that anyone can use these goods and it doesn’t hinder the benefits of others. It is also illegal to only allow one person to have ownership of a public good. People who believes in privatization believe private firms are more efficient than government. This belief is “because of economies of scale, higher labor productivity, and fewer legal constraints” (Schneider 2018). However, there is no solid evidence that shows that privatization will reduce cost or help benefit the masses. Privatization is still being pushed due to the fact of globalization and they want for a better government. Abonyi and Slyke (2010), focused on the globalization of production. They noted that globalization of production was transforming the flow of international business and investment. While the process of globalization is dealing with the global environment, it is also bringing new opportunities and challenges to the surface. In Abonyi and Slyke (2010) study, they made sure to highlight four key items of change. The authors made it a point to make sure that public administrators understand these drivers.

Policy Liberalization is control done by the government to remove or reduce of barriers on exchange between nations. This is currently happening at the boarders. However, there are new solutions being developed to assist with the issue. These solution with help with geographic location and the integration plus expansion. Change is happening due to the rise of information technology. This idea is backed by the production of goods and services. Increasing Mobility of Capital is the driver being pushed by government polices and diversify the finance option for the different local enterprises. Demands of Increasing Competition are pressuring for lower costs, better quality products, and services of quality. It is evident that globalization of production does change the role of government in many ways. Public Administrators need to develop an understanding of globalization and the fast-changing global environment. After understanding globalization, public administrators should develop a global value chain mindset (Abonyi and Slyke 2010).

A global value chain mindset is an ideal about general policies and programs that can help strengthen productivity for the global value chain framework. Next, we must invest in logistics systems. This will help with participation within international production. Finally, we must strengthen the enterprise clusters. With the strengthen of the cluster, it will help provide location betterments for attracting global value chain investments. Suggestions for Globalization Abonyi and Slyke (2010), did provide five suggestions on how public administrators can address this challenge:

  1. Multistakeholder Partnerships – by actively engaging in multistakeholder partnerships, this will increase participation with the interconnect and networked global world.
  2. Collaborative Learning and Mutual Adjustments – deal with directing and informing policy making process in a collaborative effort.
  3. Institution Building – deals with the establishing or strengthening of institutions and organizations. These institution/organizations can be private, public, or even hybrid.
  4. Facilitating Networks and Clusters – requires government to play a more active role dealing with creating and facilitating partnerships.
  5. Managing Societal Adjustment – helps creating programs where workers can develop essential skills to adjust to new economy and activities.

Globalization does challenge the way we all feel about the public administration. However, we can not let this feeling stop us from serving the public. The number one solution to address globalization is to understand, research, and make a better tomorrow for everyone. Public Administrators are tasked with the responsibility of managing the public interest in to hopes of having a future where everyone can survive. Conclusion Accountability plays a key part in this conclusion. The Webster definition of accountability is “the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.” Accountability in public administration plays an important role. Administrators need to be held accountable for all of their policies and actions when they are serving the public. There are six accountability promises that public administrators should follow (Menzel and White 2011).

The six promises of accountability are:

  1. Control
  2. Ethics
  3. Integrity
  4. Justice
  5. Legitimacy
  6. Performance

It is no secret that our world and society are constantly evolving. However, it is important that public administration constantly evolves with it. Public administration as a profession and discipline needs to be held accountable for the managing of the public interest. Public administrators must make sure that we are bringing new ideas to the table. With new and fresh ideas, we can better serve our constituents. While better serving our current constituents, we should also focus on the generations to come. It is important that we are using all our resources in order to better serve the public. Public administration does face many challenges in the 21st century. However, we should use these challenges as learning and studying points. Redefining public administration with the new synthesis project or sustainable management is vital to these challenges as well. Ultimately, while understanding the importance of our past and living in the moment today, we need to always keep the future in mind ensuring survival. “We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children” - Unknown

Updated: Apr 21, 2022
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The Evolving Door: Public Administration in the 21st Dom Ashley essay
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