The Effects of Ignorance on Society

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” — Martin Luther King Jr.</p><p>Lack of experience and education caused by ignorance causes conflict, this results in social differentiation. Ignorance effects society because of peoples religious perspectives, what they truly know about their own religion and how they look at other people that believe in different religions. Ignorance affects people by differentiating them by their education. Last but not least ignorance of the people put a cultural gap between the individuals that are raised by their older generations who were between educated and not educated.

It is a parent’s responsibility to teach their children on separating between what is moral and immoral, but when one is questioned about their beliefs, division truly starts to form.

First of all, when people are misconceived by their religious beliefs, many but not all are made by those who don't know much about what they are talking about.

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Ignorance is dividing humanity by religion because of that's what they have heard from their surroundings. For example, when a Christian man judges a Muslim man because of the falsehood things he heard such as, 'Muslims don't believe in Jesus'. That's not correct, Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet who was given a special message — injil, or the gospel — to convey to all people (Farina 49). He probably doesn't know about this because he has never looked and read the Quran before. Knowing nothing but judging everyone is a result of ignorance.

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Secondly, when there is ignorance in the picture, it is probably because of the ignorant ones who think that they are better than everyone and they know everything but there is a problem there. In fact, they almost know nothing. Because they think that they know everything, they don't need any education. This makes people who are ignorant and smart differ. For example, think about a Professor in a University and a person who dropped out from high school. If one puts them in front of a court everyone will listen what the professor says not the guy who dropped out from high school. The fact that they think they are smarter than everyone else makes them look deficient on other people’s eyes. That’s what makes them antithesize from other individuals.

Lastly, the cultural difference between people who are raised by different types of parents is because of the ignorance and the education level of the ones that are raising the children. If the adolescents are not raised correctly because of their parents are high in ignorance they will have a lot of cultural gap between other children who were raised by parents that were educated. For example when one goes to meet the two people who were raised by different family’s, the one can see that the person with educated parents has more knowledge in his or her speaking but the person who was raised by ignorant parents has small word capacity and repeats himself or herself. “We follow Jere Behrman and Mark Rosenzweig (2002) and assume that a child’s educational attainment depends linearly on the educational attainment of each of their parents (Edmother and Edfather), plus some unobserved pre-education ‘endowments’ (Ermish, Pronzato 6). While it is hard to be specific about the constituents of these ‘endowments’, thinking about them is important because they are likely to be correlated with parents’ education” (Ermish, Pronzato 6). The first of these are earnings endowments of each parent (Endowmother and Endowfather) that affect their hourly earnings, which in turn have income, time allocation and bargaining effects on their children’s education, as is described in the discussion of the effects of parents’ education (Ermish and Pronzato 6). As defined here, earnings endowments reflect genetic inheritance and pre-education environmental influences (Ermish, Pronzato 6). The education level of the parents affects their kid by creating their point of view, culture, and responsibility.

To conclude, the ignorance of individuals effects society with differentiating them from the educated people. Ignorant people make their self’s look smaller next to the educated people with their poor judgment. Ignorance causes poor a point of view in religion, people judge each other by their belief before knowing anything about their nor other one’s denomination. Ignorance makes people think that they know everything and they don’t have anything left to learn. They differentiate other people that are educated by telling them they don’t know anything and calling them dumb because they are still trying to learn new things. Parents have a really conspicuous impact on their child’s life and their kids inherit their lifestyle and their point of view. The individuals differentiate by their parent’s education level or ignorance.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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The Effects of Ignorance on Society. (2024, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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