The effectiveness of the criminal justice system

Categories: Criminal Justice

"Access the efficiency of the criminal justice system in dealing with young wrongdoers" The criminal justice system's goals to be reliable in handling young offenders. Youths have the highest propensity for rehabilitation and most continue there lifestyles complying with the law as they mature. There are several aspects triggering juvenile criminal offense. These are mental and social pressures which are special to teenagers. This results in an increase of youths diobeying the law and running into the criminal justice system. The effectiveness of dealing with young offenders will be examined on firstly, the effectiveness of the age of criminal responsibility, Second of all, the effectiveness of how young culprits are treated in a different way in the criminal justice system and thirdly, the current method to youth in jail, will be examined to regulate whether the finest outcome is being met for transgressors and society.

Crime is committed excessively by young people.according to the australian institue of criminoloy “Persons aged 15 to 19 years are more likely to be processed by police for the commission of a crime than are members of any other population.

In 2010–11, the offending rate for persons aged 15 to 19 years was almost three times the rate for all other offenders”.

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Youth Offenders are generally trialed in the Children’s Court, except for serious indictable offences such as murder. Sentencing Options under the Children’s (Criminal proceedings) Act 1987 include Dismissal Adjournment, Good behavior bonds, Youth justice conference, Probation, Suspended/ Control order (maximum two years), Reform in the juvenile justice system – Young Offenders Act 1997, Youth Justice Conferences.

These sentencing procedures are effective because they encourage rehabilitation over punitive measures.

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In more serious offences the young offender is obliged to consider the consequences of their actions. A custodial sentence is a judicial sentence, imposing a sentence consisting of mandatory custody of the offender, either in jail or in a closed therapeutic and/or educational institution. This form of sentencing has shown a significant decrease in reoffending rates. Youth offenders high inclining rate of rehabilitation should produce more funds to be used on rehabilitation rather than spendng the money on a repeating offender who will serve time forever in jail.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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The effectiveness of the criminal justice system. (2016, Aug 28). Retrieved from

The effectiveness of the criminal justice system essay
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