Contrasting Neoclassicism and Romanticism in Art

Categories: ArtDeathRomanticism

Art has been divided into different styles, with some artists sticking to one style while others combining elements from various styles. The Romantic art style distinguished itself from the Neoclassical style by emphasizing individualism and personal emotions rather than strict forms, rules, reason, and logic.

While Eugene Delacroix's The Death of Sardanapalus (Figure 1) combines the emotions and turmoil typical of romantic art with some neoclassical influences, the overall composition is too chaotic for traditional neoclassical works. In contrast to The Oath of Horatii's calm atmosphere, The Death of Sardanapalus stands out for its intense and bustling scene.

Delacroix's later work, like Liberty Leading the People, shows a move towards early impressionism, marking a significant departure from his earlier painting.

The Death of Sardanapalus, based on a poem by Lord Byron, exemplifies the traits of Romantic art. Delacroix illustrates a tumultuous and grandiose scene depicting the end of Sardanapalus, the final ruler of Assyria, as he confronts death in warfare. Rather than giving up to his foes, he opts to plan his own downfall and orders the annihilation of all that gives him joy.

Sardanapalus is shown in the midst of chaos, with his harem women, favorite horses, and servants being killed while his possessions are burnt.

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Despite facing death, he remains indifferent as his belongings are destroyed. Delacroix uses warm colors and a unique vignette style that reflects the Romantic era. The unconventional lighting adds to the visual impact of the painting.

Located in the Louvre in Paris, France, the 392 x 497 cm painting known as The Death of Sardanapalus has faced mixed reviews from art critics due to its chaotic and unorganized composition.

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Despite this, modern day critics consider it one of Delacroix's masterpieces, appreciated for its aesthetically pleasing content. Romanticism, an art movement from the late 1700s to the mid-1900s, is characterized by passion, individualism, and the incorporation of nature or exotic elements.

"The characteristics of Romantic art are challenging to fully define due to the diverse techniques employed," Nair notes. Typically, Romantic art involves elements borrowed from other artistic styles, as seen in Delacroix's painting Liberty: Leading the People. This artwork, created shortly after The Death of Sardanapalus, epitomizes the Romantic style. Delacroix utilizes intense color contrasts and a combination of "continuous strokes as well as small, divided, independent ones," a technique often associated with impressionist painters (Artble).

Despite this, Delacroix maintains precise and detailed brush strokes in both The Death of Sardanapalus and Liberty: Leading the People, staying true to the romantic painting style. In The Death of Sardanapalus, he effectively captures the essence of Romantic art, influencing early impressionist artists. Liberty: Leading the People showcases a triangular composition (Fig 2), with Liberty at the apex and the people at the base for balance. Unlike The Death of Sardanapalus, there is not a clear sense of depth in Delacroix's painting.

According to Walsh, The Death of Sardanapalus by Jacques-Louis David does not have balance or coherence because it strays from a logical sense of scale or perspective. This painting represents the Romantic art style, which contrasts with traditional forms like Neoclassical art, as seen in David's previous work The Oath of the Horatii. Neoclassicism and Romanticism are two conflicting artistic movements.

Neoclassicism emphasizes balance, logic, and objectivity, while Romanticism prioritizes individual expression, spontaneity, and intuition. "Neoclassicism and Romanticism" delves into the contrast between seeking truth in reality versus conveying strong emotions through realistic depictions. The Oath of the Horatii exemplifies tranquility and serenity through its organized layout and muted colors.

Both The Death of Sardanapalus and The Oath of the Horatii are narrative-based paintings, but they differ in their visual presentation. The Death of Sardanapalus employs chaotic brush strokes and vivid colors to captivate the viewer's attention, depicting a scene filled with turmoil that necessitates careful scrutiny to grasp its full meaning. In contrast, The Oath of the Horatii opts for muted colors to narrate its story through the artwork.

Despite not being similar, this piece does show the chaos present in Lord Byron's poem. The artist's portrayal of the focal point in the artwork is drastically different. Delacroix's use of a diagonal line, highlighted by the flames and bodies, creates a striking contrast of colors and textures in the painting.

In both Dorbani and The Oath of the Horatii, the meeting point of hands serves as the vanishing point of the painting. David's use of straight lines is evident in Fig 3, guiding the viewer's gaze towards the center. Lubbock notes the contrasting forces at play - one centrifugal and the other centripetal - without a sustaining structure. Delacroix's painting lacks a central focus point, instead relying on areas illuminated by light. When comparing these two pieces - one representing neoclassicism and the other Romanticism - the difference is striking.

Each art movement has its own distinct characteristics, leading to striking differences in color and overall composition. An artist's choice to stick to a particular style or blend elements from different movements is influenced by their emotions, inspiration, and desired themes. Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and other styles offer contrasting design elements. Even within an artist's body of work, later paintings can vary immensely.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Contrasting Neoclassicism and Romanticism in Art essay
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