Exploring the Dynamics of Challenging Authority

Categories: Authority


The act of challenging authority is a recurring theme in contemporary literature, portraying individuals who defy established rules and power structures. This defiance can have both detrimental and beneficial effects on the individual, leading to personal degeneration or aiding in self-discovery. Challenging authority is a complex concept involving decision-making and significant transformative changes in one's life.

Lessons Learned: The Educational Aspect of Challenging Authority

The exploration of challenging authority is vividly depicted in two distinct texts: the film Dead Poets Society (1989), directed by Peter Weir, and the novel Raw (1998), authored by Scott Monk.

These works delve into the narratives of individuals or groups challenging prevailing authorities, employing various film and literary techniques to enhance the audience's comprehension of this complex theme.

One crucial lesson derived from challenging authority is the opportunity for personal growth and learning from mistakes. In Raw, the final chapter illustrates Brett Dalton's realization as he chooses to walk away from a confrontation with Caitlyn's father. Monk employs a third-person omniscient perspective, providing insights into Dalton's evolving understanding that violence is not a solution.

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The line, "He'd lost one fight but won another," encapsulates the transformative nature of challenging authority. The epilogue further emphasizes Dalton's acknowledgment of past wrongs, underscoring the educational aspect of challenging authority.

The Pitfalls: Degeneration and Adverse Consequences

However, challenging authority can also lead to adverse consequences, often resulting in the degeneration of the individual or group involved. The film Dead Poets Society illustrates this dark side through the tragic death of Neil.

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Neil challenges his father's authority by pursuing his passion for acting, resulting in the stripping of his freedom and ultimately leading to his suicide. Peter Weir employs dark lighting and non-diegetic sound in Neil's final moments, creating a suspenseful and eerie atmosphere that deeply resonates with the audience. This tragic event highlights the potential physical and mental harm that challenging authority can inflict.

Self-Discovery and Positive Transformation

Contrastingly, challenging authority can be a catalyst for positive transformation and self-discovery. In the concluding scene of Dead Poets Society, Todd Anderson stands up for Mr. Keating, challenging the authority of Welton Academy. This act not only signifies Anderson's true character but also portrays him as a powerful figure, as depicted through Weir's use of low-angle shots. The transformation of Anderson from a helpless individual to a powerful force is symbolized in this scene. Additionally, a montage of determined student faces underscores the growth that challenging authority has facilitated. These techniques employed by Weir emphasize the positive impact of challenging authority on individual development.

Conclusion: The Dual Nature of Challenging Authority

In conclusion, the exploration of challenging authority is a multifaceted journey that elicits both positive and negative outcomes. The narratives presented in Peter Weir's Dead Poets Society and Scott Monk's Raw exemplify the transformative power of challenging authority. The adept use of film and literary techniques by the composers enhances the audience's understanding by setting the mood and providing contextual depth. The protagonists' challenges and subsequent changes underscore the intricate dynamics and the inherent necessity of challenging authority in personal development.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Exploring the Dynamics of Challenging Authority. (2016, Dec 23). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-concept-of-challenging-authority-essay

Exploring the Dynamics of Challenging Authority essay
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