The Adaptive Learning Styles for Success

The purpose of this report is to show the importance of examining and evaluating the effect of different learning styles and strategies on students and how does it correlate and improve their academic performances. Moreover, in this report, the Government of Ontario's Ministry of Education research shows different research work of finding out anyone's previous learning habits and injecting adaptive learning strategies into the educational reforms.

This information and data in this section show the correlation between learning styles and skills development.

These findings are derived from academic sources and contain detailed information, how does it affect student's academic performances? What do government say regarding it? Additionally, this report contains the observational research that was made at Humber's Lakeshore campus; precisely based on the displayed information at various notice boards and student's adaptability of various types of learning styles.

Learning styles

There are various models developed to evaluate learning styles, and one of them is VARK, but there is one more which is known as multimodal.

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If you see the information manual booklet of any product, some people see pictures and directly hope on it while some people read it carefully and do it step by step. It shows that people are having a strong sense of their own learning preferences, but it is less clear that these preferences matter. Most previous investigations on learning styles focused on classroom learning and assessed whether instructional style impacted outcomes for different types of learners.

Some might argue that, in this era of flipped classrooms and online course materials, students master more of the information on their own.

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That might explain why the instructional style in the classroom matters little. Adaptive learning strategies are also going to play a vital role in the development of learners, and it helps students in concept learning. Felder Solomon index represents other styles such as Active, Reflex, Sensing, Intuitive, Sequential, and Global Learning.

Ontario's Ministry of Education Research

Final report on Critical Review and Analysis of the Issue of "Skills, Technology and Learning illustrates the challenges facing educational reforms in the 21st century. These challenges demand more than ever educational reform built around the principles of inclusivity, equitable access, and the meaningful incorporation of Information and communication technology into teaching and learning. Moreover, this report recognizes that the outcomes and impacts of such reform cannot be measured by conventional modes of standardized testing. Further research of A Shifting Landscape shows that the echoes heard across the landscape of the projects constitute a shift in thinking on multiple levels that resound with changes in regard to the use of technology in teaching and learning, school board policy development, and the world beyond school that is increasingly available to enhance school learning environments for the 21st Century. And from the data new directions in professional development is crucial, moreover, still, teachers are to be convinced about the value of connecting to the world beyond four walls of the classrooms which are important for teaching and learning.

Humber college response towards 21st century learning strategies. Whereas, Humber college took various initiatives for developing learning styles. They already developed smart classes, but they still need to develop smart learning strategies through their teaching styles. They already developed various clubs and started workshops for it. Even for the announcement's pamphlets on public notice board for upcoming events are designed in both Pictionary and Writing. Some students just see the picture in pamphlet and understand it while other users to read it in detail, and most of the student use to do both reads as well as observe the picture. Also, in my observation students use to listen to music during study for exams or use colourful highlighters to make learning more efficient, and some students use to discuss in groups and share ideas of each other in the group study room.

Overall through research, it is proven that in a 21st era most of the learning of students is done through adaptive learning and by that they also develop required skills when they will be a part of the real job market. It is good to see that Humber College had already taken part in adaptive learning, but still they need to polish learning strategies which can be helpful for students.


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  3. Dr. Carmen Shields (2013, September). A Synopsis of the Final Research Report Extending the Landscape and Enlarging the Vision: Pedagogy, Technology, and Innovative Practices in a Digital World (Round 2)
  4. Dr. Jennifer Jenson, Dr. Nicholas Taylor, Stephanie Fisher. Critical Review and Analysis of the Issue of "Skills, Technology and Learning"
  5. Ornellas, A., Falkner, K., & Eva, E. S. (2019). Enhancing graduates' employability skills through authentic learning approaches. Higher Education, Skills and Work - Based Learning, 9(1), 107-120. from
  6. Student Academic Learning Services (2012, September) Durham college.
  7. Smith, T. (2016, October). How adaptive learning really works. Tech & Learning, 37(3), 20+.
Updated: May 19, 2021
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The Adaptive Learning Styles for Success. (2019, Nov 17). Retrieved from

The Adaptive Learning Styles for Success essay
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