Teamwork and Effective Communication

For this assignment, I will be developing an engagement tool suitable and applicable to my practice context. According to the Think-Feel-Do Framework, I will demonstrate a clear rationale for the engagement tool and how I will use it. As well I will reflect on its impact in practice based on Paulo Freire on Dialogue that involves respect and Tuckman's theory that suggests group move through four sequences stages, and I will focus on the Performing stage.

The Success of the Community

Development group involves working on multiple processes at the same time.

The process involved in the stage of forming, storming, norming and performing is known to many groups. Besides, there is a need for the development of group members', a critical understanding of each other and the large group task. Here we can expect changes to the goals, objectives, and activities of the group during the development of this process. To create strong community organizations and support the local people in a political and democratic relationship, we need the stages of group development.

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The challenge for the group worker is to understand these multiple processes and to facilitate their progression. The reward is "the empowerment of individuals with collective strength and cohesion to contribute to positive change in their communities: to break the 'culture of silence' and promote a more active exchange between policymakers and citizens." Achieving this shift can change over the words of existing policies into the reality of an improved quality of life for average people.

People achieve and learn when they solve problems and make decisions together.

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All is important that having a clear focus, statement of purpose and a good plan. What groupworker can do it involves others in decision and share duties. Help people work out their difference by acting and working together on projects and committees. Also, share leadership with others. We all have the potential for learning new skills, and for developing qualities that we need for work. Specific skills come more easily to some people than to others. In order to understand this, it is good to consider learning in terms of three dimensions: thinking, feeling and doing.

  • Based on the Think-Feel-Do Framework, where Thinking is base on practicing it is essential that we think about what we are doing.
  • Feelings are involving in the process of learning, and these will have an effect on how we are working with people.
  • Doing the way in which we act and interact is clearly the central part of our work with people.

It is also an essential element of learning because many of our learning outcomes result from the action. That means that although there is a substantial benefit in gathering significant information and developing a knowledge base. Learning also includes implementing these ideas into life; I developed group activity suitable and applicable to my practice context that provides an effective way to learn problem-solving, build decision making, collaboration, and listening skills also food preparation knowledge and skills, without fear and entertaining way, in the form of the game. This problem-solving activity is called 'Find me' and is for everyone. This particular tool is designed to challenge thinking about a problem. Through this activity, the group members will be able to outline the problem, create a possible solution, evaluate and select possible solution also put the solution into practice.

Split the group into teams with the same number of players on each team. Every team member will receive a recipe, in which all the ingredients, equipment and method of preparation is given. All the fun is based on the fact that the group does not know that some of the ingredients and some of the equipment are missing. As well, in the recipe, instead of the specific name of some of the ingredients are given a description of them. The group must use only the equipment that is provided. The goal is for the group to prepare a two-course meal, following the recipe and the verbal instruction of the one group member and the group have to use the equivalent of the ingredient or find other solution. In order to be successful, the rest of the group must concentrate and listen to with understanding to find this ingredient and discover other practical application of the only equipment that is provided. Give a set amount of time for completing the task. It should take 15 to 20 minutes. When all the teams are finished, encourage members to discuss what process they used in this activity and what was learned, and how they could have solved the problem more effectively.

I have been helping run DIY Dinners food project aiming to improve the access with local people and their families have a nutritious, affordable and easy to prepare meals using fresh ingredients. That will increase confidence in cooking and develop local people's repertoire of healthy meals. By pre-weighing ingredients, we will minimize waste. We will ensure that all DIY Dinners are healthy and nutritionally balanced. I used Bruce Tuckman's theory which is a helpful explanation of how the team can grow, face up to challenges, tackles problems, find solutions, plan work and achieve results. The first stage Forming the local people came together for the cooking group, and they started interacting and making a decision about how they wish to be involved and try work out how they are going prepare the meal. The group excitement and enthusiasm were mixed with a bit of fear and uncertainty. My role was assisting the group, set an open, inclusive and reflective ton to the group by making discussion and identify the standard issue. The second stage the teams were a bit uncertain about how to deal with the issue openly, who hold power in the group, who going to read the recipe, who is going to prepare ingredients and who going to cook. Some team members started questioning the decisions.

I as a group worker knowledge I knew it could happen and I could not let skip over it because later will get worst. In this case, we shared roles and responsibilities within the teams, build on people's abilities. The third stage Norming the teams are confident, and all questions became clarified, and members begin working as a team. My role was to provide practical assistance; I have provided all the resources and asked questions regarding the preparation of this meal. The Fourth stage Performing- at this stage, the group activity turned out to be a great success and was at its highest. Understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses and use these for the good of groups goals'. They worked in partnership with each other to identify the solution including listening to instruction very carefully to find the right ingredient, and they worked out how to use equipment in different ways which make this activity such a fun.

More overall teams forgot about competition and cooperated with each other as one big team. The work of the group is done. Everybody celebrates them success. Paulo Freire on Dialogue believe that the relationship between community worker and group member is straightforward. "Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people--they manipulate them. They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress." (Freire 1972). He believes that to discover valid solution we need be both a learner and a teacher. In order we need set up situation in which real dialogue can take place. Where each share their experience, listen to and learn from the other. After the meal preparation and cooking that helped at problem-solving furthermore also encouraged participation, team building, and confidence the group sat down together at the table and enjoyed the meal at the same time they briefly discuss the activity.

The questions were written to get to know both the participants' perception of the activity impact and suggestions for improvement. The participants identify the perceived impact of the activity. The group described increased awareness of healthy eating and developed strategies for a quick, nutritious meal, manage food resources, feel more confident in food preparation knowledge and ability. As a parent/caregiver will become more comfortable with preparing home-cooked meals with fruits and vegetable. They will offer this meal more frequently to family members, and children in result they will ask for them as their preferences.

In this assignment, I have developed an engagement tool suitable and applicable to my practice context. According to the Think-Feel-Do Framework, I demonstrated a clear rationale for the engagement tool and use of it. As well I reflected on its impact in practice based on Tuckman's theory that suggests group move through four sequences stages.


  1. Tuckman, B. (1965) Development Sequence in small groups. Psychology Bulletin, vol. 63, pp 384-99
  2. Drysdale, J. and Purcell, R. (1999) Breaking the culture of silence: Group work and community development. Groupwork,11 (3), pp.72-75
  3. Thomson, N. (2015) People Skills 4th ed. London: Palgrave
  4. Freire, P. (1998) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 20th-Anniversay ed. New York: Continuum Publishing
  5. Scottish Community Development Centre. (2016) National Standards for Community Engagement.
Updated: Aug 12, 2021
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Teamwork and Effective Communication. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from

Teamwork and Effective Communication essay
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