Teaching Approaches to Teaching Practice

Third on the list is the teaching practice. According to Dyer and Osborne (1995), the learner's problem solving ability can be accelerated with the use of appropriate instructional approaches. Since technical progress has been rapid over the years, professional-oriented learning has not stand aside but instead also responds vividly in the modernity taking place. Undoubtedly, in order to be able to reach the learning outcomes desired, new kinds of teaching processes are needed. A modern view of teaching also includes professional activities on the school level, such as co-operating in teams, building professional learning communities, participating in school development, and evaluating and changing working conditions.

Not only have these activities influenced the learning environment but also the student learning.

Effective learning by students requires feedback because mere repetition of tasks by students is unlikely to lead to improved skills or keener insights, hence, next on the 4th rank of Hallmarks of Good Teaching is the evaluation practices. Evaluation is a very important part of the constructive alignment process as this could provide awareness and understanding to the teacher whether the students are learning what he is teaching.

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Furthermore, well-designed assessments and evaluation can allow students to use the knowledge and skills they have learnt and indicate their level of mastery.

One of the evaluation practices is using Bloom’s (1956) classified educational outcomes which are divided into three major domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor; and subdivided the cognitive domain into the six well known categories (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation). The objectives in all three domains are important outcomes of education, with the relative importance of the different domains varying somewhat by subject area.

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Through getting centered, pertinent, and directing input, students are able to understand where their qualities and shortcomings are, and where they still need to concentrate their efforts in terms of their own learning.

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” These values that a great teacher can bring to the educational world are stated in one of the famous quotes from William Arthur Ward which leads to the following in 5th rank – the personal characteristics. At least insofar as student judgments are concerned, the personal qualities which the instructor as an individual brings to the educational setting can spell the difference between success and failure as a teacher. Students want to learn from outstanding teachers about how they think about teaching, about their pedagogical knowledge, and about their instructional behaviors.

Being a teacher may be easy but being a good teacher can be understood differently by various people. For that reason, the common characteristics of a good teacher have been researched in many contexts. One of the qualities most frequently mentioned that an ideal teacher educator should have is ‘being sincere’. Additionally, the teacher educators should be ‘smiling, humorous, disciplinary and enthusiastic’. This finding is consistent with the existing literature. For instance, Ergün, Duman, Kıncal and Arıbaş (1999) asserted that the most important personal characteristic of teachers is ‘being smiling and sincere’; and for Woolfolk (1990) ‘being sincere and enthusiastic’. Further improvements in teacher quality would positively impact everything from the students’ classroom learning to their long-term success because a good teacher can make a world of difference in a student's life.

Last among the rank but not the least is the availability to students. Although we need the teacher’s supervision, we need not to be accustomed and rely that they would always be there for us. However, it does not mean that this aspect should just be disregarded. When not teaching classes, instructors are accessible to supply students with additional aid, support, and enhancement. This is a good opportunity for the students to seek them out. Engaging in this process help students to be progressively responsible and independent learners, cultivate organizational aptitudes and learning approaches that promote productive one-to-one meetings, and build important relationships that support and sustain them all through their years at the school.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Teaching Approaches to Teaching Practice. (2021, Dec 31). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/teaching-approaches-to-teaching-practice-essay

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