Debating the Risks: Should Teachers Carry Guns

Categories: Human NatureTeacher

Summary: This article is about our legislation thinking about the concept of allowing teachers to carry guns in a classroom. It tells us the cons about how it can impact anyone from trainees, teachers, and the school itself. The article likewise utilizes essential people like Constables, Guvs, and Senators viewpoints on the topic to generate the attention of other citizens. The majority of the article covers the negatives and covers those against it. It is attempting to tell us the risks that could be brought upon the trainees if this were to go through as a law.

The opinions of those in a higher position ensure my trust in their choices. Opinion: The amount of school shootings have increased quickly within the past couple of years, we can never ever understand when another one could strike. But the concern is always how can we ensure the security of the students, how we can avoid school shootings from taking place, and what can we do to get the word out about weapon control safety.

This post has to do with people thinking about the fact that instructors need to bring weapons in the classroom.

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In my defense I definitely disagree, having a weapon in the class is probably the worst thing you can do. Where would the weapon be stored? What if a trainee was curious and toyed around with it? What if they mistakenly shot themselves or harm another student. This idea should not even be explored or considered at all.

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There are numerous bad things that might perhaps go incorrect with an instructor having a gun in the class. We never ever understand what the teachers could do either, they could unintentionally forget locking it up, or mishandling it. Even if the teachers were permitted to carry a hand held weapon, things might go incorrect. What if an instructor does not understand what to actually expect when she comes across a shooter? Things will never sound as simple as they may appear, people make it look like its safe just since you have a weapon on you. That is not always the case, so we need to look at other techniques.

More cons about this consideration are how we would know if the teachers are well prepared for having a gun on them. The government will have to pay the expenses for the teachers to take classes for gun control safety, and they will have to train and even pass tests. On top of those things, teachers would have to be licensed, go through long processes and it would be so much of a hassle. It would also be necessary for them to have monthly or even weekly evaluations on their mental and physical health. Since any of those factors could harm a student. If normal people have to go through all these processes then it would only be fair for teachers to do the same.

It is obvious that it is not an easy thing to just make a law for teachers to be able to have guns in the classroom. So of course it would be a very long process before any of this could be a possible law. I think it will be too much work. I believe that instead of having teachers have guns, schools should just have cops and/or security guards. Cops are already paid to protect places like concerts, restaurants and malls. I do not see why it would hurt to protect schools, besides since they are trained and know how to handle guns it would be so easy for them to spot unusual behavior. With them being on the school or campus it is possible that school shootings can steadily decrease. Having cops or securities in or outside of school ensures that they take care of any attempt of violence even before it gets to the students.

I do not believe there are any pros to teachers having a gun in class at all. There are so many things that could go wrong. Having a gun brought into school is already a huge issue, so just because a teacher has one does not change anything. In the article they even state the fact that if they had guns, they would have to wear a vest, or even a helmet. Those things are over exaggerating and not necessary for a school environment. The only thing that will do is cause distractions to the students from learning.

Also, if teachers were to carry guns in class that will only make students and parents fearful from going to school knowing they will never be safe. If they were safe teachers would not have to go through the whole gun process. If anything it would cause a decrease in parents allowing their children to attend public schools. Therefore, that would possibly increase the number of parents’ homeschooling their children. At least that assures their children’s safety at home with them.

Gun control has been the biggest issue for this past couple of months because of shootings like the Sandy Hook which took more than 20 lives, and a recent one in our own hometown, Houston! With those incidents it has brought great media attention to everyone and our president. All that has led to strict gun control laws being talked about, like making sure people get background checks before they purchase them. I think that would help to an extent but not fully protect our citizens. Those laws will only go so far, because there will be loop holes, guns being bought off the black market and etc. Truth is we will never be safe, and the only way is to cautious, alert, and aware of our surroundings.

I truly hope that we will never have guns in the classroom whether it is for safety or other beneficial reasons. There will always be other options that can be safer and more agreeable among people in our country. We are slowly but surely trying to find more secure ways of keeping our children safe, and keep gun violence down.

The article mainly covers the cons of having teachers carry guns, so it is obvious that this law may not pass. Just having the thought of our legislation exploring idea is scary. A lot of people seem to be against the idea, law enforcements, professors, and many more important people. If it seems like a bad idea to them, it is mostly unlikely that something like having a gun in a classroom would happen. But we need to make sure we let the people out there aware of the negatives of it so they could understand and play a part of these decisions.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Debating the Risks: Should Teachers Carry Guns. (2017, Jan 27). Retrieved from

Debating the Risks: Should Teachers Carry Guns essay
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