Support children and young people's positive behaviour

Categories: Society


This assignment will demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of why it is important for all staff to be consistent and fair when applying boundaries and rules for children and young people. Also outlining the implications that inconsistent application of rules may have and applying the rules and boundaries in accordance with the policies and procedures. Detailing the benefits or encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour and providing examples of the types of behaviour that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred.

Assessment Criteria 1.2

Why it is important for all staff to be consistent and fair when applying boundaries and rules for children and young people and outlining the implications that inconsistent applications of rules may have.

All staff in school should know and use rules consistently and behaviour should be monitored closely by the schools senior management. Children and young people should be shown fair and consistent boundaries at all times they respond well when they know what is expected of them, if all members of staff use the same strategies when managing behaviour.

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If behaviour is not managed well this could waste lesson time and children’s learning could suffer. Children should know the sanction and rewards and the order in which it will be applied no matter who talks to them about their behaviour. If they are consistent and fair the children get to understand quickly what id acceptable and what’s not.

If you are inconsistent they become confused and may become scared or withdrawn as they are unsure of whether their actions are leading them into trouble or not.

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If you treat children differently and react to individual children's behaviour differently you can be accused of favouritism, bias and victimisation. You can project an image on someone who lacks control and doesn't know what they are doing and therefore lose authority and respect. The school should work as a whole to be consistent in-line with policies and procedures then staff, pupils and parents have an understanding of the rules, boundaries and behaviour expectations as well as sanctions that result from transgressions this results in a calmer, smoother, day and easier year group to group transitions.

Reasons why it is important to have behaviour boundaries:-

To create a positive environment, which encourages independence and development of self – of esteem to enable all children to care for themselves, be responsible for their own safety and take ownership of their own action and take pride in their achievements. To stop all forms of bullying, racial and sexual harassment all incidents will be thoroughly investigated and all children involved will be counselled and parents will be informed and involved in all decision making. When children are being bullied in school we may not always recognise that they are being bullied or likewise they also may misunderstand the nature and label one incident as bullying.

All incidents will be recorded and in cases or racial and sexual incidents the schools governors will also be involved. When managing pupils behaviour, all staff will need to be aware of schools policies. The majority of children / young people do not present Challenging behaviour, and they attend arrange of educational settings in environments which are conductive to learning appropriate behaviours., it is essential to ensure that behaviour which does not meet school settings expectations, is responded to throughout management strategies that do not rely upon and form of physical or abusive intervention. The aims of this procedure is:-

To promote positive behaviour management in schools and education settings and to help schools and educational settings to understand what the law means for them in practical terms and provide staff with advice on good practice. To protect the interest and well – being of children and young people's for whom staff have a shared responsibility and to protect staff in fulfilment of their responsibility’s to children and young people and reduced the likelihood of actions by staff being challenged in the courts. Protecting the local authority who ultimately has responsibility for the actions of its staff.

Examples of applying these rules and boundaries in accordance with policies and procedures

All adults who work within the school environment have a responsibility to themselves and to the schools, to model a high standard of behaviour, both in their dealings with the children and with others adults within the school as their examples of behaviour has a significant influence on the children's behaviour. Good strong teamwork between adults will encourage good behaviour in children. Each school has a behaviour policy that staff should be aware of and adhere to all staff; all new staff follows an induction programme to guarantee a dependable approach to behaviour management.

Classroom organisation and teaching methods have a major influence on children’s behaviour in classroom environment, children are aware of the degree to which they and their efforts are valued. A good relationship between a teacher, teaching assistant and the children promotes positive strategies which are used together with classroom displays that the children have done by themselves all have a bearing on the children's behaviour behaviour.

Assessment criteria 2.1

The benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour.

All children are given explicit guidelines on their expected behaviour within the schools premises and all expectations are given in clear and precise manner paying attention of the relevant age range. All children will be encouraged and trained to the daily routines and responsibilities for their own actions when in school. Positive and appropriate behaviour is rewarded with special choosing activity and positive attention and privileges. A whole class sticker chart maybe implemented to encourage more positive behaviour in which the class will be rewarded with a treat. The best way to reward good behaviour and encourage more is positive reinforcement. Good behaviour results from parents and adults rewarding the child with encouragement and positive words. If a child feels good about something that they have did and achieved they are more than likely to repeat the good behaviour.

Children are naturally born pleaser’s and you can reward good behaviour with a simple smile, a laugh, praise or a continuing fun activity. Children will be encouraged to repeat good behaviour because each time they are having more fun and enjoyment. Good behaviour means that they get to repeat the fun things that they like to do and this encourages them to have good behaviour. Rewarding good behaviour with compliments children like to feel more grown up then they are and this encourages the children to continue with good behaviour and will also make them feel more independent. Tell the children with good behaviour that they are acting a certain age older. Another way to reward good behaviour is to tell the child or children how pleased you are with something that the child has done. The child will be encouraged to keep up with the good behaviour. Most importantly reward good behaviour and encourage more with patience and kind words.

Assessment criteria 3.2

Examples of the types of behaviour that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred to.

There will be times when children might not show a positive behaviour. There could be many reasons for any type of inappropriate behaviour shown sometimes children and young people are just testing the limits of their boundaries or sometimes their could be far more serious reasons behind it. However in a situation like this teachers and teaching assistants need to recognise that when the child needs to be referred to others. Sometimes children's behaviour could show some signs that they need some extra support.

Children biting:- Most children stop biting by the age of three. It is common in toddlers and is linked to frustration as they cannot talk and express their feelings and find it difficult to control their emotions. If older children are still biting they may need to be investigated to determine what is causing them to behave in this way.

Aggression:- While most children will squabble and younger children will hit out older children should be more controlled. Aggressive acts such as hitting another child for no reason should be referred.

Change of behaviour:- If children’s behaviour changes on certain days or who were fine earlier may need additional support. There could be many reasons of sudden change in their behaviour such as abuse, family separation, or a bereavement in the family.

Many behavioural problems can be solved by a teacher or teaching assistant but sometimes the more serious problems needs to be reported on to people higher up in the school system.

These include:-

Hearing a child saying something about another person's race. Which the teaching assistant at first report to the teacher, then the head and if necessary they would inform the parents of the children involved.

Verbal abuse to another to another person. First this would be reported to the teacher and then the head and if necessary the parents of the child.

Stealing from other children or around the school e.g. classroom etc – report to teacher and the head, parents of the child or children will be informed and police if necessary.

The types of behaviour that are unacceptable and should be referred to others include:-

Using your power, strength and authority to intimidate others, Abusive language, and racist, homophobic, sexist language. Possession of and taking drugs or alcohol and illegal substances or entering the school premises after having taken alcohol or any drugs, fighting and violent behaviour may result to damage of school property.

We also need to refer the following types of inappropriate behaviour:-

Behaviour that is inappropriate for the child's stages of development e.g. a child over four years old who continues biting an older child who hits other children or is physically aggressive in other ways, Self harming behaviour, and the common type of behaviour is bullying:- Other professionals who may be called upon help to all those involved. It is useful for senior members of staff to attend meetings in which allows everyone to contribute information about a child, these will help to create an overview on the progress, development and behaviour of the child and its here that recorded observations will be especially useful.

Professionals who may become involved include the following:-

Health Visitors

Works primarily with children up to five years and their families, checking for healthy growth and development.

Play Therapists

Play therapists have specialist training and work with children through play to help them feel emotionally secure.


Paediatricians are doctors who specialise in the care of children and young people up to the age of 16, to check for normal development and diagnose difficulties.

Educational Psychologist

They assess children and young people who have special needs and give advice, particularly for those with emotional and behaviour difficulties.

Child Psychologist

They are doctors who specialise in diagnosing and treating behavioural and thought disorders in children, adolescents and sometimes in adults. They use there knowledge on many factors including biological and psychological factors, in order to devise a treatment plan for a child with behavioural and thought disorders. This plan may include medication to help control or minimise certain behaviours or thoughts.


We have learnt that all members of staff should be consistent and fair when applying boundaries and rules for children and young people and to why it is important to do so. Also to apply these rules and boundaries within the schools policies and procedures. We have also detailed the importance of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour and the ways these can have affect on the children and young people. we have provided examples of the types of behaviour that maybe found in children and young people and who they may be referred to in different situations regarding to the different behaviour patterns.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Support children and young people's positive behaviour essay
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