Supporting children and young peoples positive behaviour

Categories: Society

1.1 Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s behaviour

• Behaviour policy
• Anti-bullying policy
• Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour
• Rewards and sanctions

Behaviour policy

The behaviour policy is a guideline to staff on how pupils should behave. It is important for all staff to make sure the behaviour policy is followed for the safety everyone within the environment. The behaviour policy should be clear for all staff, pupils and parents to understand and be followed at all times.

Anti-bullying policy

the anti-bullying policy is something all pupils should follow; staff should encourage good behaviour and respect for others and prevent any form of bullying. Any child that feels they are being bullied should feel comfortable enough to talk to any member of staff and all parents should feel equally as comfortable in talking to a member of staff knowing that it will get dealt with in the right way following the policy put in place.

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Rewards and sanctions

it is appropriate to have rewards and sanctions in place to give the children the boundaries and stability that they need. For example for rewards you could give them visual praise such as reward stickers or they could have golden time to do an activity that they would like to do in a set amount of time. For sanctions they are such things that are done as being removed from lessons, sent to the head teacher or being put on a point’s scheme report.

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Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour the conflict and inappropriate behaviour policy is set in place because in order for your child to flourish the most when they know how to behave properly and as expected. Children gain this by following the example set by adults both in the setting and at home. Making sure restrictions are kept minimal schools can set boundaries for the health and safety of the children and of their peers.

1.2 Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting. It is very important for all adults working with children and young people to be fair and consistent when inappropriate behaviour occurs. Every setting should have established rules and boundaries for children’s and young people’s behaviour. These boundaries and rules should be applied by the practitioners in accordance with the settings and policies procedures. Boundaries are the guidelines, rules or limits which practitioner create for children so they can recognise what is bad and wrong and how the practitioner respond when the child step outside those limits.

It is important that in the child setting the practitioner sets the boundaries for the child behaviour so the child understand what is acceptable and what’s not and knows that there will be a consequences of not acting within those boundaries. The children will notice that whatever child do wrong and whoever practitioner is working in the nursery at that time the rules remain the same for everyone. For example children can play with sand and water tray but must clean the sand from the floor after all, they can use a paint board but must wear apron, they can go outside but must wear jackets and hats, and they must wash hands before and after lunch.

This way of treating everyone the same when applying boundaries will give children feeling of a security and they will not feel confused when they behave inappropriate because they will not what to expect and what sanctions they will get. For example when the child doesn’t listen it will be getting sanction such as not taking part in the activities or not getting the sticker or if they behave well they can choose their story or the activity The boundaries should be appropriate for the child’s age and stage of development. In the setting it is important to have behaviour boundaries to create a positive environment where children can take care of themselves and their own safety, take consequences of their own actions and be proud of their own achievements.

2.1 Describe the benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour. It is important that the adults in the classroom recognise and praise the positive behaviour of individual pupils – especially those who struggle with maintaining good behaviour and tend to be told off more than others for what they think are the littlest things. It is also essential to praise constant good behaviour (pupils who never misbehave) to avoid them developing inappropriate or bad behaviour.

Children respond to all kinds of positive praise. In my setting, the class teacher and TA’s often use positive words like ‘fantastic’, ‘brilliant’ or ‘well done’ when acknowledging the children’s effort in their work or taking part in class activities. We also have a merit system for each individual child which is up it the classroom and there are many ways these can be earned. We find that the more praise the children get for their positive behaviour the more likely they are to continue with the good behaviour as they like the rewards they get from doing so.

3.2 Describe the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred. There will be times when children might not show a positive behaviour. There could be many reasons for any type of inappropriate behaviour shown. Sometimes children and young people are just testing the limits of their boundaries or sometimes there could be far more serious reasons behind it. However in a situation like this practitioners need to recognise that when the child needs to be referred to others. Sometimes children’s behaviour could show some signs that they need some extra support. This means that a practitioner needs to recognise when children need to be referred to another colleague or a professional. However a practitioner needs to encourage positive behaviour and manage children’s common behaviour.

Specific types of unwanted behaviour that should be referred to others: • When pupils are a danger to themselves and/or others

• When you are dealing with a difficult situation on your own • If pupils are not carrying out your instructions and you are not in control of the situation
• When you are not comfortable dealing with a pupil, for example they are behaving in a threatening manner or behaving unpredictably
When an incident is serious enough to warrant the involvement of a senior member of staff. Depending on the situation; different referrals may have to be used. It may be appropriate to just have support from another adult within the school. However, there is also a wider range of specialist support available.

Your Supervisor this will be the first point of contact for behaviour support and arranging additional strategies for use within the classroom, other teachers or support staff especially if they have experienced this before, they can also contact other professionals outside the school, if necessary.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Supporting children and young peoples positive behaviour. (2016, Sep 22). Retrieved from

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