Support Assessment For Learning

Categories: LearningTeacher

1. Understand the purpose and characteristics of assessment for learning. 1.1. Compare and contrast the roles of the teacher and the learning support practitioner in the assessment of learners’ achievements.

The Teachers Role:
On-going assessment
Effective marking and feedback
Assessment as an end of Key Stage process
Record and evidence
Reporting to parents and guardians
Following the curriculum
Provide the necessary resources for the children
Develop and adapt learning activities to suit the requirements of individual Inform children about their individual performances and achievement’s Identify individual educational needs of all the children in their class

The Learning Support Practitioners Role:
Preparation of teaching provisions
Maintain records
Liaise with parents
Explain and support the children in meeting the Learning Objective Help children to find an easier technique in order for them to reach their targets Planning and delivering interventions
Assessing a child’s literacy and numeracy performance
Provide help and support to both teachers and pupils
Prepare and organise resources
Understanding of the learning objective for each

1.2. Summarise the difference between formative and summative assessment.

Formative Assessment
Mainly about improvement. It does not contribute to the final mark given for the module; instead it contributes to learning through providing feedback.

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It should indicate what is good about a piece of work and why this is good; it should also indicate what is not so good and how the work could be improved (Pink to Think). Effective formative feedback will affect what the student and the teacher does next. Formative assessment is key to understanding pupils’ abilities and should include performance in class both verbal and work produced in books.

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It must give feedback to pupils to enable them to move forward in their learning. It should identify the standard of work currently being achieved therefore providing the teacher with information about progress to date. Formative Assessments help children understand what is expected of them in relation to academic expectations and give suggestions as to how to develop work further in order to improve. Feedback given to children by the Teacher should be meaningful and highlight positives as well as negatives so the child receives a balanced approach. Formative Assessment is supported by the National Curriculum.

Summative Assessment
Mainly about accountability. Summative Assessments are given periodically to check learning, they occur at the end of a term or scheme of work. These tests demonstrate if a child understands a subject. They do have problems however, as they only show what the child knows or remembers on that particular day – some children do not perform well in test situations or others factors such as illness or upset may affect how well the children perform. Summative assessment serves to support a teacher’s formative assessment; it is only a small part of the bigger picture

Read more: Benefits of Assessment for Learning

1.3. Explain the characteristics of assessment for learning.

Assessment for Learning at its best recognises and celebrates every child’s achievements, academic, personal and social. “Every child will be given opportunity to contribute in a secure and supportive learning environment in which children can extend their talents and reach their full potential.” Westoe Crown Primary Assessment For Learning Policy.

Assessment for learning offers children an opportunity to show what they know, understand and can do. They help children decide what they need to develop and enables teachers to plan more effectively. Parents should be involved in their child’s progress. Assessment for learning should aim to provide school with information to evaluate work and set suitable targets.

1.4. Explain the importance and benefits of assessment for learning. Good assessments benefit pupils and teachers alike. The feedback any of us receive about our performance sticks with us, criticism often lasts a life time in our minds. Assessment and its feedback are essential to children’s learning. Providing children with a measure of their progress can be extremely encouraging to them and enables them to engage with their learning. Children who are motivated to learn will be more active in class and their self-esteem will increase. If children are not engaged in their learning then they will become less motivated, less engaged and their self-esteem will suffer.

Good teachers constantly assess their pupils’ learning as they recognise the need to understand what and how children are thinking and they use this effectively to enhance future learning, Assessment is effective when the school knows how to act upon the information which emerges, uses the information to inform curriculum planning and setting learning objectives, provides school development and action plans to achieve agreed improvements and uses the information to inform the target setting progress.

1.5. Explain how assessment for learning can contribute to planning for future learning carried out by: The teacher
Teachers will understand where each individual child is with their learning and will be able to adapt resources and activities to suit. He/she will be able to plan future lessons more effectively and request adequate support for different abilities. The teacher will be able to pass on the responsibility to the child for managing their own learning. He will be able to set new realistic targets and will be able to report back to relevant staff and parents effectively.

The learners
Effective Assessment allows children to fully engage with their learning and education. It informs them about how to approach and tackle areas for improvement and allows them to take pride in areas in which they are succeeding. It gives them skills in self-assessment. They will have confidence in themselves as learners and will be able to quickly recognise when they need help and will not hesitate to call for help as they know that they have to meet the success criteria and achieve the learning objective

The learning support practitioner
Learning support will know and understand the pupils learning style and ability and will be able to approach any questioning in a more effective way. They can create more time in the activity for less able pupils to revisit areas of the lesson where they are unsure. They will be able to use different approaches and strategies to solve the same problem so that different types of learners will achieve their learning through the style that works for them.

Burnham, L and Baker, B (2010) Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (Primary): Heinemann Educational Publishers

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Support Assessment For Learning. (2016, Apr 02). Retrieved from

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