Summary of Elizabeth Speare's Book The Bronze Bow

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5 days have passed since Jesus set Leah free of her demons. Leah was no longer afraid of Daniel because he had changed. Leah's demons seemed to completely vanish when she left her home to attend Daniel and Thacia's wedding. The boys from Daniel's band came to his wedding. After the wedding, Daniel told his band about the Man who saved Leah and His miracles which led to him to explain his choice to follow Jesus while leaving behind his hatred. Lots were fascinated by his new happiness.

After the wedding, Leah moved into her own house near Daniel and Thacia. She made money selling the cloth she sewed on her loom.

Joel was confused about the change he saw in Daniel. He no longer seemed to care about breaking the hold Rome has on Israel. He was more concerned on freeing others from their hatred too. Joel wasn't sure about this at first but he began to have a change in character as he saw the new hope bubbling in Daniel.

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Joel still refused to relent himself to Jesus because his father hated Him. But as Joel continued to study the Law, he realized that what Jesus said didn't contradict the Law and that He was the Messiah.

However, shortly after, came a day of darkness. Daniel had gone to Jerusalem to visit Simon the Zealot. He was passing through Golgotha when from afar he saw three crosses with people on it. Seeing that sight made him remanence of his own father's death.

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He assumed that the crucifixion was for criminals, people who went against the Law, the same charge his father was charged for. On the cross in the middle, he could read a sign which said, "Here lies the King of the Jews". A shiver ran down his spine. He felt as if he should go closer, like a magnetic force was pulling him to the cross. Before he knew it, was walking toward the crosses. The weeping got louder as he got closer. He tried to make his way to the front of the crowd. He recognized some of the people from the crowds that followed Jesus.


Daniel's heart sank as he stood there in his tracks.

"Forgive them"...He knew that voice.

"Jesus!", he cried. This time he pushed his way to the front of the crowd, his heart thumping louder as he got closer. That's when he saw him. Jesus. His head was pierced with a crown of thorns with nails piercing his hand and feet and water was trickling down His side. He fell to his knees, he lifted his eyes only to catch Jesus' eyes for a brief moment. Then Jesus turned His head to heaven and said,

"For they know not what they do." All was silent but the weeping. Was Jesus actually...dead?

"Why?" Daniel thought while feeling the blood rush to his face.

"Why didn't He save Himself? He saved others, but not himself?"

Daniel felt the confusion he felt when he first heard Jesus preach in the synagogue. Daniel didn't know if Jesus could save Himself or not or if there was another reason? He wrestled with these thoughts in his mind as he got up. He turned his back to the cross as the Roman soldiers took his body down and lifted Him down to a woman.

He got a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye. Daniel had seen her a couple of times when Jesus preached. Daniel turned his head and glanced at His face. He showed forgiveness even to death. Daniel turned his head away from the cross and walked out of Golgotha.

In 3 days time, Daniel had made it to Simon's house and they were discussing' about current events.

"There were times when He spoke about His death but I didn't understand until now", Simon started.

"But how can the Messiah...die?", asked Daniel. Simon and Daniel sat there in silence for a while. A few rays of light escaped the curtains and glided across the floor when a cool breeze shifted through the room. The weather outside seemed to contradict the mood in their hearts. Simon was about to respond back when there was a knock at the door. Simon got up to welcome whoever was at the door and curious at what someone was doing at his house on the Sabbath. He opened the door only to find Peter and John barging in shouting,

"He is alive!" They both rambled on about an empty tomb, Jesus, angels, Mary,...

"Wait", Daniel thought, "Jesus?"

"Slow down!", Daniel exclaimed jumping up from the stool,

"One man speak at a time."

"He truly is the Messiah,'' Peter rushed to say, "Mary had gone to the tomb where the placed Jesus to see Him, but when she went·

"The stone was rolled back!", John jumped in to say, "the only thing left inside was His garments, perfectly folded!

"But who would take His body?", Daniel said, feeling light headed and fighting back tears. Who would do such a thing, especially on the Sabbath? Peter laughed as he clasped Daniel's hands.

"Didn't you hear me boy? I said He is alive!"

"How can this be?", Simon asked. "Is it possible for even the Messiah to ascend from Hades?"

"If doubt is what keeps your hearts from believing, come and see for yourselves", John said as he and Peter stepped out and waited by the door. Simon followed after. Daniel paused looking unsure. He felt his heart ready to pounce out of his chest, he could practically hear it thump inside.

"Was this really happening? Is He actually... alive?"

"Are you coming Daniel?" Simon asked turning his head around to meet Daniel's gaze. Daniel grinned back, there was only one way to find out.

Updated: Oct 30, 2020
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Summary of Elizabeth Speare's Book The Bronze Bow essay
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