Summary: Biography and a Life Path Of Edgar Allen Poe

Categories: Edgar Allan Poe

January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts a very influential and powerful writer, Edgar Allen Poe was born in the so-called romantic era. During this time Robert Fulton patents the steamboat changing transportation around the world. James Madison is President of the United States of America during these times. Mary Kies becomes the 1st woman that issued a US patent for weaving straw. In France, the Napoleonic wars were taking place. The world outbreak of Tuberculosis killing 1.8 million people.

His father left, and his mother died when Poe was only a toddler.

Poe and his brother became orphans but eventually were adopted. They were sent to different families where Poe went to Richmond, Virginia. His new family treated him like one of their own because he was educated in private schools and he was taken to England for 5 years for education. When Poe tells his foster father he wants to become a writer and disapproves of his decision. He removes him from his will because his foster father wanted him to take over the tobacco company.

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During this time Poe went through a serious gambling addiction and lost thousands of dollars. In 1826, Poe attended the University of Virginia even though it was a troubling time for him. He would do outstanding in his classes but, was sent to college with little to no funding for it. Then he fell back into gambling and lost approximately two-thousand dollars. He did this to raise funds and he ended up becoming so sad and in debt, he couldn't afford fire.

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he had to burn his furniture to keep warm. These emotions of depression and anger forced him to drop out of college.

On May 27, 1827, Poe joined the army but only because he needed money. To join the army, he said he was twenty-two instead of eighteen. Poe would be promoted to the title of an artificer or the mechanic of the army for any mechanical or electrical machines. During his time in the army, he wrote multiple poems Tamerlane, Al Aaraaf, etc. He was discharged and traveled as a cadet to the west point. He was removed from the force for gross neglect of duty, disobedience of orders.

When Poe mentioned him becoming a writer to his foster father they got into a very big argument with each other. He soon had very little support financially from his family and would become a gambler attempting to earn money back but lost approximately two-thousand dollars. He became a soldier because of his lack of financial well being. He made only $5 a month during his time serving. He would write literary journals and periodicals very early in his writing career. He would write two books in his time in the army and would sign his name “the Bostonian”.As a young kid he made early poetic verses, on the back of Allan's business sheets; showing Poe’s lack of interest in the tobacco company. This caused problems with his father Allan because he was training Poe to take over the company. His father did not support him in his dreams of becoming a writer. His father didn’t support him financially in college making him go through a crisis in his young life. His father removed him from his will after confessing to becoming a writer.

His first Fiancé Elmira Royster had left him for another man after he returned from the army. During a certain time in Edgars he had fallen in love with two women; Virginia Clem and a girl by the name of Maria. He was with Virginia at the time but he felt Maria was attempting to split them apart so he wrote her a letter to her. He had fallen back in love with Elmira Royster who had loved him as well but her children disapproved of it because of his financial status and his background of being an orphan (the same reason her father didn’t let her get married to him the first time). During his time with Virginia, he would write stories such as The Raven which made him a big figure in the world of literature. He also left after his wife died to meet a poet named Sarah Whitman someone who he would have in interest in.

Tuberculosis affected his life with the people he loved the most. His mother died from tuberculosis when he was just a toddler. His wife Virginia suffered and died from tuberculosis. This was someone who meant the world to him and this affected him horribly. This affected him and a lot which can be associated with the change of his poems dark and tragic. Not all of his poems were dark and tragic some of them were about love. This change in mood happened, because of a formerly/new found love from his previous fiancé. After Virginia had died he had a painter create a portrait of her because he had forgotten what she looked like. He suffered from a great amount of depression and alcoholism after this event. This may have caused the time that he was barely seen in public. He published stories such as: 'The Fall of the House of Usher,' 'The Tell-Tale Heart,' 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue,' and 'The Raven.' All of these stories are tragedies that helped him most likely through the death of his wife.

There have been many conspiracy theories surrounding his death. He was found semi-conscious but died four days later of swelling of the brain. He was found in someone else's clothing. s. When Poe was dying he was hallucinating and calling out for a man named “Reynolds”. This caused conspiracies about a lost story or poem to arise things such as that. Although, he never gained enough consciousness to explain what happened and how he got there. He died on October 7, 1849, in Baltimore, Maryland.

Updated: Feb 18, 2024
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Summary: Biography and a Life Path Of Edgar Allen Poe. (2024, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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