A Double-Edged Sword in Modern Education

In today’s modern times, technologies have become a vital part of our life. It helps us to have an easier and more comfortable life. In this competing world, the students should have to learn a lot when it comes to education. Everything cannot be taught by a teacher or in school. To face big challenges in life, students take up extra learning which can be done through computers or even through using different gadgets such as Smartphones. These computers and other handheld devices including Smartphones can be used for their personal or recreational activities like listening to music, watching movies or videos, chatting, browsing, playing games and others.

We can also express our feelings through it.

The work of the students became easier in searching information they want to learn. Technology has been part of our life like language, ritual values, arts and more. It also affects our ways of thinking that can contribute to a more progressive country. The computer technology provides an opportunity for students with the physical, emotional, and mental disabilities to acquire universal access to tools and opportunities for learning.

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Students have been benefited from most efficient information flows, less cost and fast communication. Instead of reading books to find information they want, students can search and access information in just a seconds. They can also receive more opinions on topic. Thus, students take time to learn anything they want to, making these technological inventions becomes essential to education.

The technology available today has made a wealth of knowledge available to students, which offer great potential for the speed and style of learning.

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Information is presented in so many ways that any type learner, whether gifted or disabled, can find and use the necessary material. This fact relates not only to the internet, but to all many technological improvements in not only in learning but also in the field of communication and entertainment. One good example is using Smartphones.

Technically speaking, Smartphones is a mobile phone with built-in applications and Internet access. In addition to digital voice service, modern smartphones provide text messaging, e-mail, Web browsing, still and video cameras, MP3 player and video playback and calling. In addition to their built-in functions, smartphones run myriad free and paid applications, turning the once single-minded cellphone into a mobile personal computer. Whether it is hand held, in a pocket, on a backpack, clipped to a belt, or hidden in a brief case or purse, college students and cellular telephones go together. Communication with fellow students, professors, parents, and everyone else is just a click away. While walking across campus and down the halls of academic buildings, mobile phones are being used. In spite of the fact that, using Smartphones can benefits us a lot and has become part of our everyday living but still there are some effects that can harm us specifically for those students spending much of their time in using Smartphones rather than in studying resulting to a fair academic performances. Always bear in our mind that using modernized technologies like Smartphones can be very useful when is used enough and in a right way.

Statement of the problem

  • How will the researchers determine the effect of using smartphones to the selected students of STI College Sta. Maria?
  • Why does using smartphones can affect the academic performances of the selected students either harmful or useful effects?
  • In what ways do students use smartphones?
  • Does using smartphones can interfere with or assist in learning in college life?
  • How much time is spent using a smartphone and which phone features are used most frequently?
  • What students believe concerning the impact of smartphones on learning in the classroom and during study?
  • How often students are in contact with parents on a cell phone?
  • How much do students pay for cell phone services?

Scope and Delimitation

The researcher’s focal point is to study about the effects of using smartphones to the academic performance of the selected students of STI College Sta. Maria. The study will greatly help in order to know the importance and hindrances of using smartphones to a college student. The researcher’s choose the college students as the respondents whereas mostly of them have and using smartphones for personal purposes.

The study is based on the number of respondents that was able to answer the survey. The age ranges of the students are between 16 to 20 years old, considerably college students. In order to gather information from students the researcher’s will be using survey for the respondents to fill-up. The location area of the respondents is within the STI College Sta. Maria only. The respondents will be available for the Smartphone users only to get valid information and its effects in using the gadget.

General Objective

The main objective of this study is to know the impacts of using smartphones to the academic performance of the students in STI College Sta. Maria. The researcher wants to make a research about the relationship between the user of smartphone and the academic performance. To learn more about their behavior and preferences in using smartphones, as an indicator of future mainstream consumer mobile behavior and to offer guidance for those who are affected by this.

Specific Objectives

  • To determine the estimated volume of students who are using smartphone.
  • To identify the positive and negative effects of having and using smartphone to the students.
  • To determine the reasons why the selected students are using smartphone.
  • To determine the importance of the smartphone to the selected students.
  • To determine which is among girls and boys are a frequent user of the smartphone.
  • To identify hours spent in using smartphone and studying.
  • To determine what are the levels of life of the smartphone user among students.
  • To identify if the respondents are single or in a relationship which may affect the result of the research.


  • Students preferred using smartphones to research on something rather than visiting their school’s library because of its ready-to-click capability.
  • Working on the hypothesis, students engage much in different smartphone applications that are entertaining, most of them play game applications.
  • Female students are the often users of smartphone whereas they spent more time in messaging unlike boys who prefers playing online games using computer.
  • Students preferred to use mobile phones specifically smartphones rather than preparing for the next lesson, especially during vacant time.
  • Students preferred using smartphone instead of studying because they find more happiness with it through messaging and interacting with their friends through the social networking sites which are available in smartphone as well.
  • Hypothetically, larger number of students enjoys learning using their smartphones as a medium.
  • Students that are engage in a relationship are spending more time in text messaging and voice calling rather than studying.
  • Smartphone is a great help for the students who don’t have enough money to buy books whereas there are available e-books to be downloaded online.

Significance of the Study

To the Students

The study will help the students to be informed on the impacts it may cause to their academic performance, specifically to those who are smartphone users. The students will be more conscious in using smartphone after they will be informed.

To the Researcher

This will help the researcher to educate themselves on how to make a good case study. This will serve as one of the keys to be able to make a great research study in the future.

To Other Researcher

This documentation will be a good reference to the other researcher for their future thesis which is related to the topic of this study. The information within this case study might be the other researcher’s basis in doing their thesis.

Definition of Terms

  • Smartphone – a cell phone that includes additional software functions such as e-mail or an internet browser.
  • Academic – related to performance in academic courses.
  • Application – a program that performs one of the major tasks for which a computer is used.
  • Software – the entire set of programs, procedures, and related documentation associated with a system and specially a computer system; specifically: computer programs.
  • Browser – a computer program used for accessing sites or information on a network such as World Wide Web.
  • E- Book – a book composed in or converted to digital format for display on a computer screen or handheld device.
  • Effects – something that inevitably follows a cause or brings about a result.

Conceptual Paradigm

Selected students who uses smartphones

Possible effects to the academic performance

Harmful Effects

May result to poor academic performance
May result to good academic performance

Uses smartphones in searching
Uses smartphones in mathematical calculations
Failing of grades
Late comers

Prefer to use smartphones rather than studying

Can download E-books through smartphones

Chapter III

Research Locale

The respondents of the study were students of STI College Sta. Maria, specifically smartphone users. In March 1998 at Triple A Building, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan that STI College Sta. Maria (STI-CSM) was founded. First known as Education Center, it occupied a total floor area of 322.39 square meters with three lecture rooms (301, 302, 303), one computer laboratory (currently Tech Lab), Administration Office (Tech Lab extension), Clinic, Faculty Room (now the Office of the Academic Head/Dean of IT) and Library (now Faculty Room).

The school’s administrator then was Ms. Melanie F. Dela Cruz (March 1998-June 2004). There were only six faculty members at that time including Academic Head, Ms. Luzviminda Nabas; Information Technology (IT) Faculty members: Mr. Reynaldo Buenaventura II, Mr. Michael Anareta and Mr. Carmelo Palad; General Education (GE) faculty members: Mr. Josefino Saclao and Ms. Norma Garcia. After Ms. Nabas, it was Prof. Janet Ale who served as the Academic Head of the School. At present, Mr. Buenaventura is the school’s Academic Head and IT Dean. It was April 18, 2005 when Ms. Mary Grace C. Buenaventura took over the position of COO/Administrator and up to now heads STI-CSM.

In present time, the facilities that STI College Sta. Maria offers are the Library, Multi-Purpose Hall, Lecture Rooms, Laboratories, Hotel, Kitchen, Amphi Theater, Tech Lab and Clinic. In 2nd floor, STI have 7 lecture rooms, 10 facilities departments and offices. For 3rd floor there are 3 lecture rooms, 18 facilities, departments and offices.

From a few number of students at the start, STI-CSM’s enrollees have grown to over 1, 200 population.

The head of the organization are Ms. Ma. Josefa A. Halili (CEO/President), Ms. Mary Grace C. Buenaventura (COO/Administrator) and Mr. Reynaldo Buenaventura II (IT Dean/Academic Head). Members of Administrative Personnel are Ms. Annalyn Guinacaran (Guidance Officer), Ms. Maribel De Silva (Registrar), Ms. Jonnalyn Lee (Placement Head), Mr. Carmelo Palad (Career Adviser/Marketing Head), Ms. Wanda Alonte (Admissions Officer), Ms. Anna Liza Rosal (Librarian), Mr. Dharel Panganiban (Com. Lab Facilitator), Mr. Nikko Taya (Property Custodian), Ms. Armenia Zabate (Accounting Officer), Ms. Joy Del Rosario (Administrative) and Ms. Khristine Bautista (Cashier). Under Business and Management are Mr. Roderick Ronidel (BSAT Program Head), Ms. Jazmin Mateo (HRM Program Head) and Mr. Menard Domacena (Kitchen Facilitator). Under Hotel and Restaurant members are Ms. Sarah May Tamayo and Mr. Leonilo Manuel. In General Education, the members are Engr. Crisenciano Dela Cruz, Ms. Janet Ale, Prof. Maria Cecilia Ycong, Ms. Marcelina Mendoza, Ms. Wenifreda Sumaoang, Ms. Ditas Morales, Mr. Bernard Tarrayo, Mr. Ronaldo Raymundo, Ms. Christine Salvania, Mr. Roel Olanoza, Mr. Bryan Sabido, Ms. Judy Ann Manansala, Mr. Isidro Del Rosario and Mr. Johnson Lacuesta.

Under Information and Communication Technology are Mr. Willy Ocampo, Engr. Teofilo Cristobal, Ms. Jocelyn Tejada, Mr. Kristofferson Ongjoco, Ms. Regina Santos, Mr. Reynaldo Merced, Mr. Denmark Mendoza, Mr. Mark Justine Roque and Mr. Ronel Ramos. Security Officers are Mr. Ronald Atilano and Jerry Casais while under Utility are Mr. Nelson Contreras and Ida Montegrande.

STI envision a technologically empowered society whose development and growth is driven by a knowledge-based workforce. STI mission is to be the leader in ICT-Enabled human capital development through innovative learning and career planning methodologies.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the research study were the students of STI College Sta. Maria. Selected students were chosen to answer the survey provided with the set of questions to be answered who are experiences using smartphones. Students, preferably smartphone users, were the only allowed respondents whereas the information that was given will validate the study of the researcher. There are 30 selected students as the respondents of the study.

The age ranges of the respondents are between 16-20 years old.

Data Gathering Instrument

The data gatherings used in this study are the following:

Questionnaire: In general terms a ‘questionnaire’ is a research instrument consisting of a list of questions that a number of people are asked so that information can be collected about something. Most often this method of data collection is used to gain statistical data that can serve as the basis for scientific research.

The questionnaire is most frequently a very concise, preplanned set of questions designed to yield specific information to meet a particular need for research information about a pertinent topic. The research information is attained from respondents normally from a related interest area. The dictionary definition gives a clearer definition: A questionnaire is a written or printed form used in gathering information on some subject or subjects consisting of a list of questions to be submitted to one or more persons.

The researcher prepared the questions which are relevant and important in order to create a case study regarding the impacts of using smartphones to the academic performance of the students. The questions that are prepared are intended for the students who are using smartphone whereas the validity of the answers was more sensible since they have experiences in using the gadget.


  • Expense and time involved in training interviewers and sending them to interview are reduced by using questionnaires.
  • Each respondent receives the same set of questions phrased in exactly the same way. Questionnaires may, therefore, yield data more comparable than information obtained through an interview.
  • If the questions are highly structured and the conditions under which they are answered are controlled, then the questionnaire could become standardized.


  • Respondent’s motivation is difficult to assess, affecting the validity of response.
  • Unless a random sampling of returns is obtained, those returned completed may represent biased samples.
  • Survey: A survey is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals.

Surveys are commonly used in psychology research to collect self-report data from study participants. A survey may focus on factual information about individuals, or it might aim to collect the opinions of the survey takers. Surveys are generally standardized to ensure that they have reliability and validity. Standardization is also important so that the results can be generalized to the larger population.

A survey can be administered in a couple of different ways. In one method known as a structured interview, the researcher asks each participant the questions. In the other method known as a questionnaire, the participant fills out the survey on his or her own.

The researcher uses the other method which is conducting surveys through the use of questionnaires. By this, the respondents will answer set of questions including their gender, status (in life and in relationship), age, etc. Through survey, the researcher was able to gather the needed data for the study.


  • Surveys allow researchers to collect a large amount of data in a relatively short period of time.
  • Surveys are less expensive than many other data collection techniques.
  • Surveys can be created quickly and administered easily.
  • Surveys can be used to collect information on a wide range of things, including personal facts, attitudes, past behaviors and opinions.


* Poor survey construction and administration can undermine otherwise well-designed studies. * The answer choices provided on a survey may not
be an accurate reflection of how the participant truly feels. * While random sampling is generally used to select participants, response rates can bias the results of a survey.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers gather data from different sources of information using different data gathering methods. The information gathered served as the basis in determining the effects of using Smartphone into the academic performance of the selected students of STI College Sta. Maria.

* Survey

A survey is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals. Surveys are commonly used in psychology research to collect self-report data from study participants. A survey may focus on factual information about individuals, or it might aim to collect the opinions of the survey takers.

The researchers conduct a survey specifically to the selected students of STI College Sta. Maria wherein the focus of the research is to determine if using Smartphones can affect the academic performance of the students either harmful or useful effects. With the aid of the survey, the researchers able to know the important data needed for the success of the research.

* Interview

Formal consultation to the selected numbers of students of STI College Sta. Maria has been made in order to get important details about the research. In this way, the researchers can comprehensively ask questions to the respondents regarding the topic personally. In this method, questions and answers are given directly from the respondents and interviewee.

* Questionnaires

List of questionnaires are prepared. These questionnaires are given to the selected students of STI College Sta. Maria in order to meet the needed information in the research. Questions with corresponding choices are
presented whereas the researcher exactly got the answers from the students for a productive and reliable research being conducted.

* Observation

Visual study is also made by the researchers. All the information gathered based on the observation contribute a lot to have a well done research. From the observations made, then researchers noticed that almost all of the students of STI College Sta. Maria are using mobile phones commonly Smartphones. There are more number of students who are busy using their Smartphones each day rather than spending their time in studying lessons specially in their vacant time.

* Brainstorming

Related topics about the research are generated in an informal way. The researchers brainstorm the different topics included in the research study. Predictions on what would be the effect of using Smartphones to the academic performance of the selected students are made. Just like as a free association wherein the researchers simply open their mind to whatever topics pops up with them.

* Internet Research

Buckets of information about the research study are obtained from the internet since the information gathered from different websites exactly relate to the topic of the research. The researchers surf on the internet in order to meet the answers following the standards. Internet research has had a profound impact on the way ideas are formed and knowledge is created.

* Library research

Particular references such as the previous operation research documentation of the past STI College Sta. Maria students are also consulted by the researchers. This documentation served as one of the primary basis for the proposal of new topic to be research.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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A Double-Edged Sword in Modern Education. (2016, Apr 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/smartphone-impacts-essay

A Double-Edged Sword in Modern Education essay
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