Shaping a Christian Worldview

A worldview is a particular philosophy of life, the surrounding world, and how someone views reality. A person’s worldview is the way he or she looks at and reacts to the world around him or her. The worldview is affected be things a person has been through or learned throughout their lives. Someone’s worldview affects their everyday live, including actions and emotions. It is not determined; it is dependent upon where a person is from and his or her beliefs.

“First and foremost, the Biblical worldview says emphatically there is a God who has created all things in Heaven and earth” (Graham, 2018, para. 13). Furthermore, a biblical worldview is how a person interprets those beliefs and ideas. Anyone living out a biblical worldview believes their existence is to serve God and love Him at all costs.

A Christian philosophy of education holds a biblical worldview of utmost importance. Everyone has a worldview, whether they realize it or not, and this holds true in aspects such as educational purposes with a Christian philosophy.

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Christian teachers must provide strong teachings of Christ within their educational practices, a strong educational philosophy existing in that worldview, and applications of this perspective in the classroom. Biblical Worldview A worldview is influenced by family, friends, educators, church, and Scripture. Looking back, humanity was born when God created the heavens and the earth. A Biblical worldview says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2, English Standard Version).

A biblical worldview is based on everything God’s Word teaches.

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As Del Tackett states, “When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you say and do” (2006, para. 8). To truly have a biblical worldview, these questions must be answered: Do absolute ethical truths subsist and are they defined by Scripture? Did Jesus survive a life without sin? Does God rule all, and was He the ultimate Creator of the world? Can salvation only be earned through God, or elsewhere? Does Satan exist? Is the Bible accurate through everything it proclaims? People who truly believe and live through a biblical worldview would answer yes to these questions. As a Christian, a biblical worldview proves the importance of holding moral standards and strong beliefs.

Christian Philosophy of Education A Christian philosophy of education places high values on knowledge, both of God and everything He does. Humanity’s main purpose, through a biblical worldview, is to serve God with their entire heart. The value and purpose of people is perceived through their ability to leave a positive impact on the world around them. Doing this, everyone must live a life God encouraged them to live. “The purpose of Christian education is the directing of the process of human development toward God’s objective for man: godliness of character and action” (Horton, 2017, p. 6). Students should exemplify and live out the gospel, not just talk about it. A Christian philosophy of education begins with God, as does everything in life.

As stated in the Bible, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, English Standard Version). Thus, teachers must teach with a biblical understanding of God, His character, and His plan. A Christian philosophy of education serves its purpose through a biblical worldview, while also teaching strong character and knowledge of God. Implications for Educational Practice Implementing a biblical worldview is so important for a Christian teacher because he or she is forming lives each and every day. One of the biggest implications for educational practice is that of moral responsibility. “The educative process is the process by which the communication of the foundational truth is accomplished, in other words, it is the process by which the Christian philosophy of education is implemented in the classroom” (Cates, 2011, p. 20). In the Christian-school setting, Scripture is the way of knowledge. The purpose, methods, and results all lie within the Word of God and must be taught accordingly.

The Christian worldview should influence decisions made inside and outside of the classroom. Teachers should focus on the biblical perspective that is relevant to the subject they are teaching. Christian-school educators guide students through biblical truth; however, this is not limited to the biblical discussion. By deeply discussing Scripture, students will develop a stronger worldview and live a much more fulfilled Christian life in the world God has created. These schools will, optimistically, aid in the development of the individual, while separating right from wrong, both biblically and through everyday life. Looking at the public-school setting, however, presents many problems. Teachers in public-school settings are not permitted to teach a biblical view nor are they allowed to speak about Scripture. Religion is restricted unless a student asks about it specifically. Even then, teachers are not to speak about their opinions and feelings on any type of religion. Teachers must be knowledgeable in all forms of religion, in order to answer questions.

An ethical dilemma arises between religion and a teacher’s biblical worldview, within the public-school setting, which might become difficult to face. Conclusion As a Christian educator, a biblical worldview if of much importance. Serving God and teaching the Word of God is the ultimate goal. Educators must follow through with their beliefs, rather than merely talking about them or forcing them upon students. Along with the many implications of a biblical worldview in education, there are many ways this worldview positively impacts students’ lives. Although talking about religion in the public school setting is discouraged, it is important to remember this country was founded based on biblical principles and God. Teachers have the opportunity to impact students’ lives with the implementation of God’s Word. Implementing the Bible in lessons can help students appreciate how important education was in the past, as well. Our educational system is lacking proper guidance, as well as God, in lessons. Finding ways to incorporate God into daily lesson plans is a great way for students to learn, so they can see how God is involved in education and everyday life.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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