Formation of Personal Beliefs and Worldview

Categories: PersonalWorldview

Throughout my lifetime, my personal beliefs have been shaped by various influences, leading to the development of my unique worldview. Many individuals and experiences have played significant roles in shaping my beliefs about society, life, and spirituality. Two core values that strongly influence my worldview are my belief in God and a strong sense of ethics. These values guide me in making decisions and navigating the complexities of life.

One of the most profound aspects of my worldview is my deep spirituality and the personal relationship I have with God.

This spiritual connection provides me with guidance, strength, and a sense of purpose in life. Additionally, the moral values I have embraced have been influenced by a diverse range of experiences and role models throughout my lifetime.

Influences Shaping My Beliefs

My upbringing in a devout Catholic family has laid a solid foundation for my spiritual beliefs. As the middle child in a Hispanic family of five, I was exposed to the importance of compassion, service, and altruism from a young age.

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Our small Hispanic community, located near the Mexican border, was marked by economic disparities, and it was expected of us to help those in need with the resources we had available.

Despite our modest means, my family instilled in us the value of giving back to the less fortunate. We upheld a tradition of providing dinners to the neediest families with small children on Christmas Eve, an act of kindness that has endured through generations. My parents, in particular, played a significant role in teaching us these values and morals, emphasizing the importance of empathy and service.

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My desire to help others was a defining trait that emerged in my childhood. This aspiration to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need led me to consider careers in medicine, including becoming a doctor or nurse. These career choices were driven by my overarching goal of aiding people in times of vulnerability.

Defining Prime Reality

In my worldview, prime reality is characterized by the infinite, personal God revealed in the Holy Scriptures. This belief aligns with a Christian perspective, where God is seen as a triune, transcendent, sovereign, and benevolent being (Sire, 2009). The relationship between humans and God is regarded as exceptional, with individuals having the ability to trust God in navigating life's challenges and fostering a personal connection.

Religious pluralism, on the other hand, acknowledges the validity of multiple religious worldviews and paths to the divine. It suggests that diverse religious beliefs can lead individuals to the same ultimate truth. However, it is essential to recognize that different religions may have distinct interpretations of God and varying precepts.

In contrast, scientism posits that prime reality is rooted in the scientific method's expansion into various facets of human life, including societal and political issues. From a scientism perspective, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding relies heavily on scientific methods and reasoning.

Postmodernism challenges the concept of absolute truth, contending that it does not exist. This stance leads to relativism, where what is considered right for one group may not hold true for another (Tripp, 2000). The absence of a universal truth in postmodernism results in the formation of individual and culturally specific interpretations of reality.

The Nature of the World

The nature of the world, as I perceive it, is marked by patterns of relationships and interconnectedness. This perspective aligns with Buddhist beliefs, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things. It underscores the idea that objects typically perceived as "objectively real" do not possess ontologically isolated essences. Instead, their essence lies in their interconnections with all other things, denying the existence of independent essences (Tripp, 2000).

Within a Christian worldview, external reality is viewed as God's creation, designed to operate harmoniously. The world is perceived as an intricate and purposeful creation, reflecting divine order and intention. It is believed that God created the world ex nihilo, out of nothing (Sire, 2009). From a scientism perspective, the world's existence is attributed to scientific phenomena, with chemical reactions and natural processes contributing to the emergence of life on Earth.

The Nature of Human Beings

Human beings, in my worldview, are unique creations of God, bearing the divine image. They possess attributes such as personality, self-transcendence, intelligence, morality, gregariousness, and creativity (Sire, 2009). This perspective emphasizes the intrinsic value and purpose of human life, highlighting the potential for personal growth and moral development.

In contrast, postmodernism and scientism adopt different views on the nature of human beings. Postmodernism often contends that human identity and values are shaped by cultural and societal factors, resulting in diverse perspectives on human nature. Scientism may view human beings as products of biological and evolutionary processes, lacking inherent purpose beyond survival and reproduction.

Afterlife and the Meaning of Death

Within my Christian worldview, death is perceived as a transition to an eternal existence with God. The specifics of what transpires after death remain a mystery, but there is a belief in divine judgment, where individuals are held accountable for their actions in life (Noebel, 2006). Death is not considered the end of life but rather the beginning of an everlasting existence with God.

Postmodernism embraces relativism and lacks absolute moral certainties. Consequently, beliefs about the afterlife and the meaning of death can vary widely among individuals or cultures. The absence of universal truths allows for diverse interpretations of what may or may not happen after death.

Scientism often regards death as the cessation of life and consciousness, with no existence beyond the physical realm. This perspective may reject the concept of an afterlife or spiritual continuation.

Epistemology: How Knowledge is Attained

My Christian worldview asserts that human beings are created in the image of God and are endowed with the capacity to acquire knowledge. Knowledge is acquired through divine revelation, human reason, and the study of God's teachings. The Bible serves as a foundational source of wisdom and guidance, providing insights into the nature of reality and morality.

In contrast, postmodernism challenges the notion of absolute truth and posits that reality is forever hidden, making it difficult to attain genuine knowledge (Tripp, 2000). Scientism relies on human reason and scientific methods as the primary means of acquiring knowledge about the natural world, often excluding metaphysical or spiritual dimensions.

Ethics and Moral Values

Ethics and moral values in my worldview are deeply rooted in religious teachings, particularly those derived from the Bible. The principles of right and wrong are determined by divine guidance and scriptural precepts. Moral values are instilled through religious upbringing, and individuals are expected to adhere to ethical standards outlined in religious texts.

In postmodernism, ethics are often considered relative, with each person or culture developing their own moral values. The absence of absolute truth leads to diverse ethical perspectives, shaped by individual upbringing and societal influences. Questions such as "Is this right for me?" and "How will this benefit me?" may guide ethical decision-making in a postmodern context.

Scientism's approach to ethics is often secular and grounded in human reason. Moral values may be determined through rational discourse and societal consensus. The scientific method, when applied to ethical questions, seeks to understand human behavior and its consequences on well-being, shaping moral principles accordingly.

The Meaning of Human History

From a Christian perspective, human history follows a narrative of creation, fall, and redemption. God's divine plan unfolds through the course of history, with the ultimate purpose being the restoration of the relationship between God and humanity. The creation of human beings was an act of divine intention, with the goal of establishing a loving and faithful connection. Despite human failings and sins, God provided the means for redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

In postmodernism, human history is often examined through the lens of cultural narratives and competing ideologies. The concept of relativism underscores the idea that historical accounts may vary depending on one's cultural background or perspective. Postmodernists may question the existence of overarching historical truths and instead emphasize the plurality of historical interpretations.

Scientism, on the other hand, may view human history as a product of natural processes and scientific phenomena. The historical evolution of the universe and life on Earth is explored through empirical evidence and scientific inquiry. There may be a focus on understanding the mechanisms that have shaped the course of history, without attributing a specific overarching purpose.


In summary, personal beliefs and worldviews are shaped by a multitude of factors, including cultural influences, religious upbringing, personal experiences, and societal contexts. My own worldview is deeply rooted in my Christian faith, with a strong belief in God and adherence to moral values derived from religious teachings. This spiritual foundation guides my ethical choices and decision-making in life.

It is essential to recognize that various worldviews exist, each offering unique perspectives on prime reality, the nature of the world, human beings, the afterlife, knowledge acquisition, ethics, and the meaning of human history. These diverse worldviews contribute to the rich tapestry of human perspectives and beliefs.

Respect for different worldviews and an openness to dialogue can foster greater understanding and empathy among individuals with differing beliefs. While there may be fundamental differences in how various worldviews perceive reality and morality, the shared human experience allows for the possibility of learning from one another and finding common ground in the pursuit of a just and compassionate society.

Ultimately, the exploration of worldviews invites us to reflect on our own beliefs, question our assumptions, and engage in meaningful conversations that enrich our understanding of the human experience.

Updated: Nov 08, 2023
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