Ritik Mathur's Paper on Non Biodegradable Waste

Non-biodegradable trash is a growing concern to environmentalists as well as anyone wanting to embrace a more eco-friendly lifestyle. It's important to understand what non-biodegradable trash is, as well as the effects that it is having on our planet. Identification

1.All trash falls into one of two categories, and is either biodegradable or non-biodegradable. By definition, non-biodegradable trash is any discarded item that cannot be broken down by living organisms. Non-biodegradable trash accumulates in the environment because it cannot return to its origins.


2.There are many different types of non-biodegradable trash including cans, glass and vinyl. Styrofoam containers made from polystyrene foam and many plastics are non-biodegradable. Effects 3.Non-biodegradable trash that is discarded to be landfilled will only accumulate. These objects are the source of litter and pollution. The most wide-reaching effect of non-biodegradable trash is the Pacific Garbage Patch--an area of the Pacific ocean which is heavily polluted with plastics and other waste. The Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of the continental United States, stretching almost from California to Japan.

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4.Plastic debris in the ocean is responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 marine animals each year. It is estimated that the Pacific Garbage Patch will double in size over the next 10 years if consumers don't do something to reduce their use of non-biodegradable waste. Prevention/Solution

5.One way to prevent the accumulation of non-biodegradable trash is to recycle. This is a solution that everyone can take part in! Another solution is to replace non-biodegradable materials with ones specifically designed to biodegrade.

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There are now biodegradable forms of Styrofoam and plastic. Making a noticeable change will take a concentrated effort by everyone to reduce our non-biodegradable trash.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Ritik Mathur's Paper on Non Biodegradable Waste. (2017, Mar 01). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/ritik-mathurs-paper-on-non-biodegradable-waste-essay

Ritik Mathur's Paper on Non Biodegradable Waste essay
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