Rethinking the Death Penalty: A Call for Rehabilitation

Categories: Justice And Fairness

The majority of people believe that the death penalty should be legalized. However, humanity deserves the chance of life in addition to that, death penalty causes a misguidance to the realization of the unlawful actions accruing, it genuinely does not allow people to rehabilitate either does it allow to repentance. Therefore, numerous individuals have come to a disagreement with the actions that have been known to take people's life since there is no rightful act for a human to take another’s life due to no circumstance.

The main goal in the death penalty is to decrease the despiteful actions that have been fulfilled by many however it is has led to countless sinless and doubtless slaughters. This has been happening due to many causes to give an example; money. As there are different levels of richness there are different levels of respect. By this is meant that many pure humankind has been put on trial for a crime that has been not committed by them although, due to the lack of expenses and awareness they have faced a horrendous execution.

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As it is known a successful lawyer can be exceedingly costly, which can only be afforded by the wealthy; Whom is also most likely at fault tend to escape the punishment. Another example that has been arising for ages in the color of men. Unfortunately, it is outstandingly sickening subject to be spoken about although it has been noticed by humanity that people of color are taken more often as the abuser rather than as the victim.

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Consequences: Injustice and Discrimination

Two wrongs do not add up to a right. Taking a life of a human is unethical, regardless of whether it is wrongdoing or whether it is done for the sake of the so-known justice system. The law should be a plan to set the model that the slaughtering is never to be taken as the right or the only action that there is. Although life in jail is not known to do be an easy life more of unbreakable walls of guilt, it can still set the appropriate image of how life should be held.

Taking a life of one is also taking a harmful spilt directing towards a linkage in blood. In fact, if a child witnesses a family member undergoing this law, there could be a high possibility of them going through a severe trauma, which can lead to many abnormal thinking if this was taken under consideration it would show that most crimes that have been committed are by the unhealthy sets of minds.

As it is mentioned before, many crimes have been committed due to the illness that has occurred in their health of mentality. There are some cases where the so-called abuser has been so damaged in every possible way they have clearly considered the crime they have committed to being an act of normality, however neither the justice system neither does any human being have the rights to have judgement due to lack of information of what a person has been through mentally or has not been. Although, the action that has been taken against the victim might have been brutal, violence and repulsive act there shall not be the type of revenge such as “an eye of an eye”. However, this person could get the help that is needed him or her and get better and not to be able to commit more crimes.

Updated: Jan 24, 2024
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Rethinking the Death Penalty: A Call for Rehabilitation. (2024, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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