Relationship in "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Categories: F Scott Fitzgerald

Have you ever been in love? In the book 'The Great Gatsby ’’ there’s a relationship between two charcters who seem to be in love. Although that may not be the case between these two unique characters named Daisy Buchanan and Jay Gastby. Gastby was once in love with Daisy and now he wants to reopen that love five years later, Gatby's love is nothing but an illusion for once there was. Gatsby just wants to have a true love for someone even as friends Gatsby is so hell bent on trying to become friends with people.

Gastby just loved the thought of having Daisy around and trying to rebuild a bond and love that is no longer there. For example in the book 'The Great Gatsby' it states, 'He talked a lot about the past and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy' (Ch.6).

This shows that Nick kinda agrees with the thought that Gatsby was just trying to recover something that was once there.

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In The great gatsby themes | shmoop states 'Only fools fall in love, and the biggest fool in The Great Gatsby is, well, Gatsby. Tom and Daisy may have some kind of affection and loyalty for each other, but we’re pretty sure it’s not actually love.

It’s Gatsby who falls in love, but is he in love with Daisy, or with a dream of Daisy, or with the idea of being in love? And does true love always come with destruction and violence? This supports that Gatsby is love with the dream of Daisy and the idea of LOVE.

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Updated: Nov 01, 2022

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Relationship in "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald essay
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