Reflection on the Poem Ah Are You Digging on My Grave?

Categories: Poems


Thomas Hardy's poem "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?" is a thought-provoking and poignant piece that delves into themes of mortality, human nature, and the fickle nature of human emotions. Written in the form of a dramatic monologue, the poem captures the various emotions and reflections of a deceased woman as she contemplates the reactions of those who come across her grave.

The Poem's Structure and Form

Thomas Hardy's poem "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?" is a ballad, consisting of seven quatrains with a rhyme scheme of ABCB.

The regularity of the rhyme scheme enhances the sing-song quality of the poem, contributing to the hauntingly melodious tone that juxtaposes with its dark subject matter. Each quatrain carries an equal weight of emotion, progressing the narrative of the poem, and building on the central theme.

The poem's brevity and simplicity belie the depth of its content, as it effectively conveys complex emotions and themes through concise language and carefully constructed stanzas.

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Hardy's skillful use of form and structure allows readers to experience a profound sense of introspection and empathy for the speaker.

Themes and Symbolism

At its core, "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?" explores themes of mortality, human psychology, and the impermanence of human emotions. The poem's opening lines immediately set the tone for the poem:

"Ah, are you digging on my grave,

My loved one? — planting rue?"

From the beginning, the reader is presented with the question of who the speaker addresses, and why her loved one is planting rue on her grave.

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This mystery becomes the driving force behind the poem's narrative.

The primary theme of mortality is evident throughout the poem as the speaker contemplates the reactions of various individuals who encounter her grave. From the remorseful lover who visits initially to the indifferent passerby and the cheerful maid who shows no remorse, the poem illustrates the fleeting nature of human emotions and the inevitability of death.

In each quatrain, Hardy skillfully employs symbolism to enrich the poem's meaning. For instance, the rue plant, traditionally associated with sorrow and regret, represents the enduring nature of grief and loss. Furthermore, the "small dogs" in the third stanza serve as a symbol of loyalty, contrasting with the fickleness of human emotions that the speaker witnesses.

Cultural and Historical Context

To fully appreciate Hardy's work, it is crucial to examine the cultural and historical context in which he wrote "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?" The Victorian era, during which Hardy lived and wrote, was characterized by a fascination with death and mourning rituals. Death was not only seen as an inevitable part of life, but it was also a social event, with elaborate mourning customs and rituals.

The poem reflects the Victorian preoccupation with death and the afterlife, as the speaker's soul lingers near her grave, observing the reactions of the living. Hardy's exploration of the various emotional responses to death highlights the societal taboos surrounding open expressions of grief during this era.

The Victorian interest in supernatural elements and the occult also influenced the poem's themes. Spiritualism, the belief in communication with the deceased, was popular during this time, and Hardy's portrayal of the speaker's ghostly presence aligns with these ideas.

Literary Devices and Language

Hardy's masterful use of literary devices adds depth and nuance to "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?" The poet employs irony, alliteration, imagery, and symbolism to evoke emotions and create a powerful impact on readers.

One notable example of irony occurs in the first stanza when the speaker assumes her loved one is planting rue as an expression of remorse, only to discover later that it was for the sake of the "thrusting, flouting, too," referring to his new lover. This bitter revelation highlights the transient nature of love and the complexities of human emotions.

The extensive use of imagery throughout the poem contributes to its haunting and evocative quality. For instance, the description of the "wagging, jealous head" of the small dogs in the third stanza elicits a vivid mental picture of their behavior, accentuating the stark contrast between the animals' loyalty and human fickleness.


In conclusion, Thomas Hardy's poem "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?" is a poignant exploration of mortality, human nature, and the fleeting nature of human emotions. Through the use of literary devices, symbolism, and a structured ballad form, Hardy skillfully crafts a thought-provoking narrative that transcends time and resonates with readers across different generations.

The themes of grief, remorse, and human fickleness depicted in the poem find resonance in the cultural and historical context of the Victorian era, where mourning rituals and a fascination with death were prevalent. Hardy's exploration of the complex emotions surrounding death, as well as his contemplation of the afterlife and the human response to loss, make "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?" a timeless piece of literature that continues to captivate and move readers to this day.

Updated: Aug 16, 2023
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Reflection on the Poem Ah Are You Digging on My Grave? essay
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