Recruiting and Sustainment Plan

Categories: Share Market

For the next year, our detailed recruiting plan will be specified by quarters. In the first quarter of October through December we will plan to make 24% of our mission in this quarter. The primary market will be high school seniors. To get face time with all seniors we will teach classes on preparing for life after high school, and target these classes to reach all seniors during the first quarter. These classes will include financial classes, options after high school, and explaining the ASVAB test to the seniors.

We will also conduct lunch displays twice a month at Pueblo West High School, Canon City High School, and South High School, mainly Pueblo West High School, and South High School we will host a tailgate party for the school's homecoming game (The Bell Game). During this time we will also utilize Split Training Option (STO) Soldiers from the school who are currently seniors as home town recruiters.

The STO Soldiers can give their peers a firsthand account of what basic training is like and they can generate leads for the recruiters.

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For the first quarter, recruiters will be in Pueblo West High School on a weekly basis teaching, speaking with students at lunch, or meeting with students and counselors to gain ownership of the school and maximize enlistments of seniors over the first quarter. Our secondary and tertiary markets for the first quarter will be focused on when recruiters are not actively engaged at the High Schools. The secondary market of college freshmen will be our focus at Pueblo Community College (PCC).

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To gain this market recruiters will attend the Transfers fair that is hosted twice a year. In this transfer fairs we will speak with all freshmen and show them how we can help pay for college tuition. These students will be contacted via phone calls. Freshmen at PCC will also be encouraged to join the ROTC program as a way to help pay for college and to gain the option of becoming an officer upon graduation. Recruiters will also have a presence at sporting events at PCC and the other college in Pueblo. The recruiters will set up a college marketing strategy, they will throw t-shirts into the crowd with their business cards attached, and generate leads via raffles, and surveys.

The tertiary market of Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Soldiers will be targeted by getting monthly lists from the Reserve Component Career Counselor (RCCC) office. Recruiters will also utilize their assigned units for retention, to retain those Soldiers ready to get out of the military. Utilizing both these lists that will contain the names of local Soldiers who have recently left active duty and entered the IRR, and recruiters can also reach out to the ones that are undecided to live the Guard. Phone calls will be made to these Soldiers weekly to gain enlistments and help those who are struggling financially, or gain those who just miss military life, and keep those undecided. For the first quarter of the year, our recruiting efforts will be divided by placing 80% of our efforts at all of the three top High Schools, 10% at PCC, and 10% on IRR Soldiers and retention units. For the second quarter of the year January through March we will aim to gain 26% of our mission. The primary market for this quarter is high school juniors. This market is exclusive to the Army National Guard due to the split train option.

Classes on the STO will be taught to all high school juniors at my three high schools, and seniors who are STO Soldiers will be used to generate leads. Lunch displays will continue to be conducted twice a month. High school juniors will also be invited to bring a buddy day at RSP drill, to gain familiarization with what military life is like. The secondary market for the second quarter is college students, and the efforts at PCC will continue to target first and second-year students at sporting events, through on-campus classes, and phone calls directed at those with a financial need. The tertiary market for this quarter will focus on the Inactive National Guard (ING). The Soldiers in the ING will be contacted by telephone and targeted by attending community and veteran events. During the second quarter, 70% of the focus will be at the high school, 20% at PCC, and 10% recruiting ING Soldiers.

The third quarter of the year April Through June will produce 30% of our mission, and our primary market will be high school seniors. Seniors are about to graduate, and those who still do not have a plan for the future, or those whose initial plan fell through will be focused on this quarter. These seniors will be targeted with phone calls, and school classes detailing how the Army National Guard can help them reach their goals. Again other students, who have already enlisted will be utilized to generate leads. The Secondary market is high school juniors about to become high school seniors. The juniors will be encouraged to enlist under the STO. Because both our primary and secondary markets are at the high school 90% of our recruiting efforts this quarter will be focused at the high school. This includes attending senior night and graduation. At these events will recognize students who have enlisted in the Army National Guard and those who have received Guard scholarships.

The last 10% of our recruiting efforts for this quarter will be spent recruiting prior service and IRR Soldiers. These Soldiers will be targeted through phone calls based upon the list given to us, and attendance community, job fairs, and at veteran events. In the Fourth quarter of July through September 25% of our mission will be produced, and our primary market is prior service Soldiers. These Soldiers will be targeted through phone lists and attendance to community and veteran events. In July recruiters will also host an event for veterans and their family members by thanking them for their sacrifice to enjoy the freedom and to pinpoint if they are qualified to continue serving as well as their dependents. During this quarter 70% of our efforts will be focused on participating in and hosting events in the community. 20% of our efforts will be focused on our secondary market of high recently graduated school seniors.

These graduates will be targeted via phone lists, email, text, previous leads, social media, and through utilizing home town, recruiters. Over the summer we will also maintain our ownership of the high school by helping teachers prepared for the school year. At the start of school seniors and juniors will be welcome with our flyers. The last 10% of our efforts will be used on high school juniors who are just starting looking at their options. At the start of the school year, efforts will be directed at the high school welcoming all the staff, and students, and creating ownership of the school at the start of the year. By continuing developing the relationship with the schools and by rising the drive established at the high school in the first quarter of the year recruiters will have ownership of the schools and will have full access to teach classes, conduct lunch displays, and begin to focus on the incoming junior class along with continuing to work for the senior class.

Recruiter Zone

During the year the recruiting efforts will be annotated in the recruiter zone and school zone system. It can be also organized you as for time management, and to do not repeat events that didn't produce leads. Recruiter zone and school zone are crucial for the recruiter to be successful in their area of assignment. Recruiter Zone is also a great tool to find leads via the hot leads option. These leads are random individuals that requested information from our website and can become potential leads from our area. By communicating with them by phone calls to determine their eligibility give us more chances to have a lead that will become a prospect, and lastly an enlistment. School events will also be scheduled, tracked, and annotated in a school zone, and leads generated from these events will be input in the recruiter zone.

All events that have been completed will include an after-action review in the school zone so that sustainment and improvements can be used to better events in the future or to not repeat the ones that were not as successful. Utilizing this tool will help the recruiter be proactive and have a more organized scheduled. It will also be used to annotate key school personnel in the school zone so that they can be contacted easily from year to year for their continued support. It will also help if they are any changes in the Recruiting and Retention Battalion and another recruiter takes the school, the recruiter will be set for success due to having all the information readably available. Lastly, the recruiter zone will be used to annotate the recruiter's daily schedule. This includes phone calls to building packets, phone calls for follow up on leads, appointments, school events, and community events. They will be annotated daily to correctly follow up the schedule, it is important to let the recruiter be more proactive in how to tackle tasks and manage their time in a more efficient way, it also helps to determine what school events or events generated the most leads for the recruiter. The proper use for recruiter zone and school zone systems allows the recruiter to be more organized, effective, and to focus their recruiting efforts in the areas that shown promising and build upon them from year to year.


The importance of owning the schools and detail a yearly recruiting plan that can help the recruiters be successful it is guided by utilizing the tools available. By organizing each quarter of the year and have it broken down into primary, secondary, and tertiary markets. The recruiter will gain high school enlistments and will target key school officials, conduct classes, lunch displays and be present at major school events. Recruiters will also use high school students who have enlisted as lead generators. To target college students, recruiters utilize the admissions office to gain access to the student transfer fairs, and other events that help produce a list of students. To target ING and IRR Soldiers recruiters will obtain phone lists from the RCCC office, and host community and veteran events in which the Guard will be exposed. By making a targeted recruiting effort throughout the year a recruiter can maximize their recruiting efforts, and use time wisely to gain the maximum amount of leads. A directed yearly recruiting plan is critical to the success of every recruiter.


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  • Great Schools. (2019). Retrieved from: School Review. (2019).
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  • Pueblo West High School, District 70. (2019).
  • Strength Maintenance Training Center (2012). Army command policy (National Guard Regulation 601-210).
  • Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
  • United States Census Bureau. (2017).
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Recruiting and Sustainment Plan. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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