Recommendations And Guidelines For Self And Peer Assessment

In order of the teachers to apply self and peer assessment effectively, Fachikov (2004), suggests an effective guideline including nine steps for self and peer assessment in the classroom:

  • Students should receive sufficient training in doing peer and self-assessment
  • It is essential to provide clarifications and give evidence of benefits to students of participating in self and peer assessment
  • Particular models like excellent, average, poor need to be clarified to students
  • Students should be involved in discussing, negotiating, or developing assessment criteria
  • Using multiple assessors aims in order to enhance students' confidence
  • It is better to conduct an anonymous peer assessment
  • Teachers should clarify explicitly how students will be involved in the assessment
  • Teachers also should minimize bias by asking students to justify their choice
  • A trial practice will be very beneficial before carrying out peer or self-assessment

Boud (1995), also points out an interesting notice for self and peer assessment.

The introduction of student self or peer assessment should be made at the earliest possible stage, and the skills practiced later, follow a desirable sequence of courses through the years of a program.

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Teachers should provide clarification of the benefit and a rationale of using peer or self-assessment, clear procedural instructions, clear assessment criteria, and access to concrete examples of assessed work (Stefani 1994; Topping, 1998). Furthermore, in order to increase the validity of the peer or self-assessment process, students should be given performance scoring rubrics so that they can compare their own or peers' performance to a set of predetermined guidelines by the teacher.

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In another word, it is essential to ensure that the participants or students understand the reason and purpose of peer or self-assessment and what is expected of them.

A conclusion

This paper has introduced the effectiveness of applying self and peer-assessment tools in the classroom. Studies have proven that engaging students in a sustainable assessment like self and peer-assessment activities helps a great deal in developing lifelong learning skills. To achieve this goal, teachers need to take into account the kinds of tasks and activities that create a collaborative learning environment.
This paper also has discussed in detail the concepts of self and peer-assessment, the benefits and challenges to these kinds of assessments, and it provides some ideas for implementing self and peer-assessment more effectively. Finally, the paper has recommended some thoughts and guidelines for teachers who are willing to apply these assessments in their classrooms.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Recommendations And Guidelines For Self And Peer Assessment. (2020, Oct 08). Retrieved from

Recommendations And Guidelines For Self And Peer Assessment essay
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