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Who were Janie’s three husbands?

Category: Literature

In "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie Crawford, the protagonist, had three husbands. Her first husband was Logan Killicks, an older farmer whom Janie's grandmother arranged for her to marry. Their marriage was loveless and unfulfilling for Janie. Janie's second husband was Joe Starks, a charismatic and ambitious man who had dreams of establishing a thriving town for African Americans. While their marriage initially brought Janie some happiness and a sense of status, Joe's controlling and domineering nature ultimately stifled her. Her third and final husband was Tea Cake, a younger and carefree man who swept her off her feet. Despite their age difference and the challenges they faced, their relationship was characterized by passion, love, and a sense of freedom until tragedy struck.

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