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How does Janie feel about Jody’s death?

Category: Literature

In Zora Neale Hurston's novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Janie initially feels some relief after her husband Jody's death. For years, she had been living with Jody's oppressive and domineering personality, which left her feeling stifled and unhappy. Jody controlled every aspect of Janie's life, from her appearance to her actions, and prevented her from expressing her true self. Thus, when Jody dies, Janie is finally free from his tyranny.

However, as time passes, Janie realizes that she is not completely happy with Jody's death. Despite his flaws, Jody had provided Janie with financial security and a sense of stability, which she now lacks. Furthermore, Janie feels guilty for the thoughts she had during Jody's illness, when she wished for his death. She struggles with conflicting emotions of relief and remorse, and ultimately comes to accept that her relationship with Jody was complicated and imperfect.

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How does Janie feel about Jody’s death?. (2023, May 10). Retrieved from

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