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Which Excerpt From The Odyssey Demonstrate The Importance Of Hospitality In Greek Society?

Category: Literature

In Book 9 of The Odyssey, the excerpt where Odysseus recounts his encounter with the Cyclops Polyphemus vividly demonstrates the significance of hospitality in Greek society. After being trapped in Polyphemus' cave, Odysseus and his men find themselves at the mercy of the monstrous Cyclops. Despite their dire circumstances, Odysseus insists on adhering to the Greek custom of xenia, the sacred duty of offering hospitality to guests. When Polyphemus returns, instead of being greeted with hostility, Odysseus introduces himself and requests the customary gifts of hospitality. However, the Cyclops, showing a blatant disregard for this cultural norm, responds with cruelty, devouring some of Odysseus' men. This passage exemplifies the fundamental importance of hospitality in Greek society and how its violation leads to dire consequences, highlighting the reciprocal nature of hospitality as an integral aspect of ancient Greek values and customs.

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Which Excerpt From The Odyssey Demonstrate The Importance Of Hospitality In Greek Society?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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