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Which Excerpt From The Odyssey Best Shows That The Ancient Greeks Greatly Valued The Idea Of Home?

Category: Literature

In The Odyssey, Homer's epic poem, one of the most powerful excerpts that showcases the ancient Greeks' profound appreciation for the concept of home is found in Book XXIII. As Odysseus returns to Ithaca disguised as a beggar, he finally reveals his true identity to his loyal wife, Penelope, in their private chamber. Overwhelmed with emotions, Penelope initially hesitates to believe his identity, and only when Odysseus describes the intricacies of their bed, which he carved from an ancient olive tree rooted in their home, does she finally accept him. This heartfelt reunion emphasizes the significance of the home as the heart of Greek identity, love, and enduring bonds, emphasizing that the ancient Greeks held the idea of home in the highest regard and considered it a central pillar of their existence.

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Which Excerpt From The Odyssey Best Shows That The Ancient Greeks Greatly Valued The Idea Of Home?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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