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What Is The Significance Of The Owl Eyed Man?

Category: Literature

The Owl-Eyed Man is a minor character in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, "The Great Gatsby." He is first introduced in chapter three, where he is impressed with Gatsby's collection of books. He reappears at Gatsby's funeral in chapter nine, where he provides an important insight into Gatsby's character. The Owl-Eyed Man is significant because he represents the perspective of an outsider who is able to see beyond the surface appearances of things. He recognizes that Gatsby's books are real and that they are evidence of his true character, in contrast to the false image that he has cultivated for himself. His presence at the funeral also serves as a commentary on the shallow and superficial nature of the society that Gatsby lived in, where people only care about appearances and social status. The Owl-Eyed Man's character is a reminder that there is more to people than what meets the eye and that true understanding requires looking beyond the surface.

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