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What is the importance of the character Owl Eyes?

Category: Literature

Owl Eyes is an important character in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby" as he symbolizes the disillusionment and decay of the Jazz Age. Despite the extravagant parties and opulent lifestyle portrayed in the story, Owl Eyes provides a sobering perspective by being one of the few characters who recognizes the hollowness and emptiness beneath the glamorous façade. His presence at Gatsby's parties, where he is often found in the library, highlights the stark contrast between the superficiality of the social elite and the deeper truths obscured by their indulgences. Owl Eyes serves as a metaphorical "watchful eye," representing the lingering remnants of authenticity and intellectual curiosity in a world dominated by materialism and shallowness. Ultimately, his character underscores the themes of illusion, disillusionment, and the impossibility of recapturing the past in the novel.

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