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What is the significance of Cambridge Massachusetts in The Handmaid’s Tale?

Category: Literature

Cambridge, Massachusetts is a location of significant importance in Margaret Atwood's novel, The Handmaid's Tale. As a literature scientist, it is essential to delve into the various elements that make the setting relevant in understanding the message of the novel. First and foremost, it is important to note that Cambridge was the site of Harvard University, one of the most well-known and prestigious universities in the United States. The presence of Harvard as a backdrop for the story is significant as it represents the academic and intellectual elite of society, which is an important aspect tackled in The Handmaid's Tale. The novel portrays a dystopian world where women's rights have been stripped away, and a patriarchal system has been established.

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What is the significance of Cambridge Massachusetts in The Handmaid’s Tale?. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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