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What Happened To Janine In Handmaid's Tale?

Category: Literature

In Margaret Atwood's novel "The Handmaid's Tale," Janine, also known as Ofwarren or Ofdaniel, is a fellow Handmaid and a character whose fate encapsulates the harrowing realities of the dystopian society depicted in the story. Janine is subjected to severe psychological and physical trauma as a result of the regime's oppressive control over women's bodies. She experiences the brutal ritual of the "Particicution," where fellow Handmaids are forced to execute a perceived wrongdoer, and she later endures the anguish of having her eye removed as punishment for defiance. Janine's tragic trajectory highlights the dehumanizing effects of the totalitarian regime and serves as a poignant commentary on the horrors of unchecked power and gender oppression.

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What Happened To Janine In Handmaid's Tale?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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