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What is Gatsby's dream?

Category: Literature

Jay Gatsby's dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby" is to win back his former lover, Daisy Buchanan, and to reclaim the idealized past of their romantic relationship. Gatsby is a self-made millionaire who has reinvented himself from a poor soldier into a wealthy and mysterious figure in the social elite of 1920s America. His lavish parties, extravagant lifestyle, and enigmatic persona are all part of his strategy to impress and woo Daisy, who is now married to Tom Buchanan, a wealthy and arrogant man. Gatsby believes that he can erase the five years of separation between him and Daisy and that their love can conquer all obstacles, including social class, marital status, and moral values. Gatsby's dream is both romantic and naïve, as it is based on a nostalgic and unrealistic vision of the past and a blind faith in the power of money and charm. Gatsby's pursuit of his dream leads to tragic consequences for himself and others, as he becomes entangled in lies, violence, and betrayal.

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