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What Is The Great Gatsby About?

Category: Literature

The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was published in 1925 and has since been adapted into a movie, a musical, and a play.

The story is set in 1922 and follows the life of a young man named Nick Carraway who moves to New York City to make his fortune. While there, he meets the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby who lives next door to him. Gatsby throws lavish parties at his mansion every weekend but his guests are an odd collection of people who seem to have little in common with each other except for their wealth and their love of alcohol.

Nick becomes increasingly fascinated by Gatsby's life as he gets to know him better but when it becomes clear that Gatsby has ulterior motives for wanting to be friends with Nick, he starts investigating him and finds out about his criminal past and his involvement with some unsavory characters.

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