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What Happens To Serena In Handmaid's Tale?

Category: Literature

In Margaret Atwood's novel "The Handmaid's Tale," Serena Joy Waterford is a complex character who undergoes significant transformations. Formerly a popular televangelist and advocate for Gilead's theocratic regime, Serena Joy becomes disillusioned with her constrained and powerless role as a Commander's wife within the oppressive society she helped create. As the story unfolds, Serena's frustration and yearning for a life of meaning lead her to engage in unexpected alliances and acts of rebellion, including attempting to forge a relationship with Offred (the novel's protagonist) and participating in subversive actions against Gilead's authority. Serena's journey highlights the internal struggle between her loyalty to Gilead and her desire for autonomy, resulting in a complex evolution that adds layers of depth to the narrative's exploration of gender, power, and societal control.

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What Happens To Serena In Handmaid's Tale?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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