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How does Pip change throughout the story?

Category: Literature

Throughout the Great Expectations story, Pip undergoes a significant transformation both in terms of his character and his circumstances. Initially, Pip is portrayed as a humble and compassionate young boy living with his abusive sister and her kind-hearted husband Joe in a small village. However, his encounter with the mysterious convict, Abel Magwitch, sets off a chain of events that leads Pip to leave his modest life behind and aspire for wealth and social status. As he becomes a young gentleman under the sponsorship of the eccentric Miss Havisham, Pip's values shift, and he becomes more ambitious and ashamed of his humble origins. It is not until later in the novel that he realizes the true nature of his desires and the importance of loyalty, love, and genuine connections. Ultimately, Pip's journey exposes the flaws in his aspirations and he undergoes a moral awakening, leading him to reevaluate his priorities and embrace a more humble and contented life.

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How does Pip change throughout the story?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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