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Why does Miss Havisham manipulate Pip?

Category: Literature

Miss Havisham manipulates Pip in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations" primarily as a means to seek revenge and alleviate her own suffering. Traumatized by being jilted on her wedding day, Miss Havisham develops a twisted desire to exert control over others, and she sees Pip as a convenient tool for her vengeful agenda. By grooming Pip to become infatuated with Estella, she aims to emotionally wound him just as she was wounded, thus perpetuating her own cycle of pain and heartbreak. Moreover, Miss Havisham's manipulation of Pip allows her to maintain a sense of power and dominance, offering her a semblance of control in her otherwise shattered existence. Through Pip, she takes pleasure in toying with emotions and playing with the lives of others, ultimately revealing the depths of her bitterness and despair.

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