The Ethical Foundation of the Army as a Profession

Categories: Professional Ethics

The characterization of the Army as a profession has been a subject of intense debate, with varying perspectives on the extent to which it aligns with established professional standards. Some argue that the military comprises a small cadre of professionals, while others depict it as a collective of individuals merely following orders like mindless robots. This debate underscores the challenge of defining a profession definitively. However, a consistent characteristic of professions is the presence of a guiding ethic that governs the effective application of their expertise.

This essay contends that the Army qualifies as a profession due to the intrinsic presence of an ethical framework that guides its members' conduct.

The Professional Ethic in Comparison

Examining other recognized professions reveals the importance of a guiding ethic. The American Medical Association, for instance, upholds the Oath of Hippocrates as the ethical foundation for physicians. Similarly, lawyers swear an oath of office that serves as a moral compass for their professional conduct. In the case of the Army, every member, upon entry, takes the Oath of Enlistment or the Oath of Office, marking the initiation of their commitment to a higher ethical standard.

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This oath becomes the bedrock of the Soldier’s moral and legal principles, establishing the Army’s commitment to an overarching ethic.

Beyond the initial oath, the Army further reinforces its commitment to ethical principles through documents such as the Soldier’s Creed, the Warrior Ethos, and the Army Values. While other organizations may have similar codes of conduct, the distinction lies in the Army's unwavering dedication to upholding these ethical standards, elevating it to the status of a true profession.

Ethics in the Execution of Duty

An important consideration in the debate surrounding the Army as a profession stems from the comments of senior Army officials, such as General Maxwell Taylor.

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Some argue that as long as a Soldier performs their duty effectively, their personal character is of secondary concern. However, this perspective fails to acknowledge that a profession's ethic should not be compartmentalized into private and public spheres. In contrast to athletic organizations, where ethical guidelines do not apply directly to the performance of the sport, the Army's members must exercise their ethic in the execution of their duties. Private character inevitably affects the ability to command troops, making ethical considerations integral to the profession.

Despite dissenting views, the Army's commitment to operating within its established ethical framework remains evident. The ethical cannon, represented by the Army Values, the Soldier’s Creed, and the Warrior Ethos, reflects not only the possession of ethical guidelines but also the genuine dedication to adhering to them. This commitment extends beyond individual actions to the collective ethos of the entire institution.

The Public's Role in Recognizing a Profession

While the Army may assert its status as a profession, the ultimate recognition comes from the public. Unlike declaring oneself a profession, the legitimacy of a vocation as a profession is conferred by society. The American people reserve the right to determine whether the Army, as a collective entity, effectively and ethically applies its expertise in serving the nation. Despite occasional ethical failings, the Army's acknowledgment of its members' ethical responsibilities and its commitment to accountability reinforce its standing as a trusted and recognized profession of arms.

In conclusion, the Army's professionalism is grounded in its unwavering commitment to an ethical framework that guides its members' conduct. This commitment, exemplified by the Oath of Enlistment, the Soldier’s Creed, and the Warrior Ethos, distinguishes the Army as a true profession. The ongoing recognition by the American people, based on the effective and ethical application of landpower, solidifies the Army's position as a trusted institution dedicated to serving the nation with courage and accountability.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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The Ethical Foundation of the Army as a Profession essay
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