Precious movie

Categories: Movie Review

"Precious" is a cinematic masterpiece that captures the raw emotions and struggles of its protagonist, Claireece "Precious" Jones. Directed by Lee Daniels, the film takes us on a gripping journey through the life of a young African-American girl facing unimaginable challenges in 1980s Harlem.

The core of the story revolves around Precious, a sixteen-year-old girl who endures various forms of abuse and oppression. Her tumultuous home life is marked by physical, emotional, and sexual abuse inflicted by her parents. Her mother, Mary, is a cruel and relentless force, subjecting Precious to constant torment and leaving her emotionally scarred.

Additionally, her absent father resurfaces intermittently, bringing further trauma through incestuous rape. These experiences highlight the devastating impact of intergenerational abuse within marginalized communities.

As viewers, we witness the profound impact of Precious' suffering on her self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Trapped in a cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and violence, Precious retreats into a world of daydreams and fantasies as a coping mechanism.

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However, her life takes a transformative turn when she enrolls in an alternative school, where she encounters the compassionate and dedicated teacher, Ms. Rain.

Ms. Rain becomes a beacon of hope for Precious, offering guidance, empathy, and a safe space for her to express herself. The relationship between Precious and Ms. Rain highlights the transformative power of education and mentorship. Through learning to read and write, Precious finds her voice and gains the confidence to confront the injustices she has endured.

"Precious" delves into the complex intersectionality of race, class, and gender.

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The film unearths the harsh realities faced by marginalized communities, where the interplay of poverty, racism, and domestic violence perpetuates cycles of oppression. By shining a light on systemic barriers, "Precious" exposes the challenges that hinder individuals like Precious from breaking free.

However, amidst the darkness, the film also presents moments of resilience, strength, and community. Precious forms a meaningful friendship with her classmate, Rita, who shares similar struggles. Together, they create a bond that transcends their circumstances, offering each other solace, support, and understanding.

The performances in "Precious" are nothing short of exceptional. Gabourey Sidibe's portrayal of Precious is captivating, capturing the character's vulnerability and hidden resilience. Mo'Nique's depiction of Mary is chilling and nuanced, showcasing the complexity of a deeply troubled individual.

"Precious" challenges viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and forces us to reckon with the harsh realities faced by individuals like Precious. It urges us to examine societal norms and emphasizes the urgent need for empathy, compassion, and support for those trapped in oppressive circumstances. The film serves as a powerful reminder of the indomitable spirit of humanity and the transformative potential of education and community.

In conclusion, "Precious" stands as an impactful cinematic achievement that delves deep into the human experience of suffering, resilience, and redemption. It unflinchingly portrays the oppressive forces faced by marginalized communities through the character of Precious. By highlighting the transformative power of education, mentorship, and community, the film encourages us to confront the past and strive for a brighter future. "Precious" serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion, empathy, and support in breaking the cycles of abuse and creating a more just and equitable society.

Updated: Jun 30, 2023
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Precious movie. (2023, Jun 30). Retrieved from

Precious movie essay
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