Poor Time Management Is a Student's Worst Enemy

Poor time management negatively affects a college student's life due to the student taking on too much causing stress. Whether you are just starting college or just ending, everyone needs to know how to properly plan out how you spend their time. Stress becomes a major build up because plenty of students do not know how or when to plan out when to do their tasks. Students tend to take out their stress by just not doing their work or procrastinate up until it's time to hand it in.

This also goes along with other activities throughout the student's life on when the student has the free time. Poor time management can cause your grades to drop, affect your health and could affect your social lifestyle. Lack of time management could affect your schoolwork and grades by getting distracted by your surroundings. Students tend to stress out on when to properly to do a specific assignment. Lack of time management showed lower academic performance, "Studying and doing homework may be put off until the last minute to make room for activities, socializing, work, or just relaxing.

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" (Young). This is a frequent problem throughout the USA in all students of any age. Except when it comes to college students it tends to get worse.

All college students are adjusting to a whole new world. Classes are at random times and you have more free time to do actives. With all this extra free time they start to think that they could do anything and that there is so much time to do work, but in reality, there isn't much time.

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You just have to get organized on when you could do the free activities you want to do.

Everything should get planned out, so you dint find yourself in a hole. Activities would get in the way and classwork would just get pushed off. Students tend to not realize that if they don't control their time properly then everything in life becomes unorganized. Poor time management could affect a student's health life by not being organized. Normally many students use planners so they could keep a day to day routine of when to do specific tasks. Others just go about their day off the top of their head and could forget to do specific things by getting sidetracked.

With learning to manage time, "Your ability to manage time can directly affect your health. Develop a plan to manage your time and stick to it. Your body and mind will feel better because of it." (Duncan) This will help you throughout the day to feel less stressed. Health related factors with poor time management is not eating properly. You will find many students at fast food restaurants because it something quick t just grab and go. These students will start living off of this junk because they have no time to cook or because they might live on campus.

Especially to all students who live on campus find it hard to eat healthier causing stress to their bodies because they start to gain weight. Not having enough time to make room to get the proper foods puts more stress on a student because they can't function properly. Their bodies start to die down fast and become tired more easily, causing they do not want to do their work. Everything you do in life and a rumbling effect of what you will do next. It's all up to the person to decide what is right and what they should be doing.

Except everyone should know that time management plays a huge role in your health weather you realize it or not. Time management affects college student's lifestyle by procrastining, having lowered grades, a lack of sleep, and unhealthy eating habits. Many students procrastinate and a common phase you will hear is "ill push this work off until tomorrow it's not due for another few days anyways." Well when students say this they are just bunching up all work to than be done in one night when instead if they just plan out when to do everything, nothing will get bunched up and you won't have a work load to do in one day and the stress could be relived. "Students who don't have control over their time end up letting tasks sit until the last minute" (Catherine) causing them to stress out more. Students who aren't managing their time, their grades start to plummet.

Th student would start to fall behind and not be able to continue to "engage with new material" (Catherine) causing them to fail. Their social lifestyles start to revolve around stressing on when to go out. Students who aren't managing it properly start to develop a lack of sleep. Poor time management can lead to many negative outcomes in a student's life. Lots of stress is on the person's life if they decide they want to go out every weekend. They may not find the right time to sit down and study. They tend to focus on the social aspect of college and not the schoolwork and just lose track of time and push everything off.

Updated: Feb 20, 2023
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Poor Time Management Is a Student's Worst Enemy. (2023, Feb 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/poor-time-management-is-a-student-s-worst-enemy-essay

Poor Time Management Is a Student's Worst Enemy essay
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