Personality Reflection Paper

This paper will reflect how I define personality, some key personality features that define me, whether other’s view me differently than I view myself, reflect if my personality features are consistent or if they change with a particular situation, describe any personality tests I may have taken and my reaction to the analysis, and finally my thoughts on what would make a personality valid or not.

How would you define personality? Personality is the qualities and traits that reflect a person’s character or behavior specific to that person and makes him or her who they are.

I believe a person’s personality is shown in a number of ways; first through one’s feelings, thoughts, and actions. For the most part a person’s personality is consistent with minimal change on a daily basis. Our personality allows us to act in certain ways and respond to certain things in our lives.

What are some key personality features that define you? Some of the key personality features that define me are that I am an Introvert.

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This means I am a very responsible person, organized and task-oriented, serious about almost everything, I have a very good memory when it comes to facts and data, my work ethic is unmatched by my peers, I like to use a logical approach to everything, and I’m not easily distracted. Some key mottos associated with my personality features can be; “work hard, play hard,” “plan your work, work your plan,” and “take your time to do it right.”

Do others view you differently than you view yourself? I do not think so, for the most part any feedback I ever received from others, fits me to a “T”.

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For example, my coworker told me she can’t stand how organized and task oriented I am. She went on to say that I take things too seriously and that is really who I am. I tend to professional about everything I do. I feel if you have issues or concerns that you might not be up to the challenge, leave all that at the door before you walk through it.

Are your personality features consistent or do they change according to the situation? I really want to say “no” to this question, but I would not be very truthful if I did. So, my answer would have to be “yes”, my personality features change a little depending on the situation. I believe this is true of all good leaders; we must be sympathetic at times when a situation dictates. I admit, if an employee comes back from lunch late I do not always expect him or her to make that time up, this could be misconstrued as “bending the rules” and not consistent with my personality features.

Have you ever taken a personality test before? If so, what was your reaction to the analysis? Yes, I have taken a personality test before and not surprised at all with the results. The results indicated ISTJ that equals “tradition + dependability.” After reading the results, I said to myself, this is really who I am. Do I see myself as a “spot-on” type person, I guess sometimes I do, but sometimes I feel like I do not want to be bothered.

What would make a personality test reliable and valid? I have to say honesty is the key to making any test reliable and possibly valid. I am kind of on the fence when we speak of “valid”, because although we use certain personality tests to determine a result, and sometimes these results are flat out wrong. If a person took the same personality test twice, would the results be the same? I do not think they would be, and one of the reasons why personality tests should be used to measure or explain your personality. If you want reliable results, stay away from the online tests and go to a professional for the testing. Conclusion

This paper described personality as the qualities and traits that reflect a person’s character or behavior specific to that person and makes them who they are; some of the key personality features that define me are that I am an Introvert which means I am a very responsible person, organized and task-oriented; I don’t think others view me differently than I view myself most part, any feedback I ever received from others fits me to a “T”; that my personality features do change a little depending on the situation, I believe this is true of all good leaders; I have taken a personality test before and I was not surprised at all with the results, that indicated I was ISTJ that equals “tradition + dependability”; and lastly, I am kind of on the fence when we talk about “valid”, because although we use certain personality tests to determine a result, and sometimes these results are flat out wrong.

Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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Personality Reflection Paper. (2017, Mar 08). Retrieved from

Personality Reflection Paper essay
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