Theology Reflection Paper: Fall of Man and Temptation

Categories: ReligionTheology

For my Theology assignment, I will be reflecting on two topics that have given me a better understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Since I was young I have always been taught a basic knowledge of what it means to be a Christ follower but understanding the significance of being a Christian has deepened my knowledge even more. The two topics I will be reflecting on are the Fall of Man and Temptation. Both of these topics provide clear understanding on how and why society in today’s world is the way it is.

They also provide hope in reestablishing the relationship between God and man.

The Fall of Man:

The fall of man marks the day where the relationship between God and man changed drastically. According to the Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia, “the Fall of Man occurred in the Garden of Eden when the Serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.” By doing this, Adam and Eve were forever punished and were no longer allowed to have the intimate relationship they had with God.

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In Genesis chapter 3 verses 15 - 19, God explained to both Adam and Eve that their curse on this Earth was to live off of the land, the woman would experience extreme pain during child birth, and they were to be forever banned from the Garden of Eden. Genesis is very clear on describing the effect Adam and Eve’s sin had on mankind. And because of their action, mankind is forever separated from God until He returns.

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What I have learned from the Fall of Man is that although man is temporarily separated from God’s intimate relationship, it does not mean we are unable to attain that special relationship with Him again. We were created in the image of God to worship Him and to bring glory to His name. God wants us to live out that daily relationship by talking with Him and reading His Word which is the best way of communicating with Him since we cannot verbally hear Him speak to us. Just like any relationship we have with others here on Earth, we have to work hard to keep the relationship alive.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Theology Reflection Paper: Fall of Man and Temptation essay
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