Personal Philosophy of Education: Fostering Success as an Educator

I believe the purpose of education is to ensure the child learns skills that he/she might need later on in life. Education should provide students with a safe environment basic materials and a positive, healthy atmosphere. An important function of education is training students to learn and understand the capacity each one of them has to do things no matter what. Another function of education is to train students on the skills they will need for the rest of their life.

Students must learn to give their best in everything they do, give their 100% effort, and respect others while doing it. They must also learn, to have a good attitude.

An important part of learning is feeling confident in knowing what to do, and getting to understand most details of what is being taught or presented by the teacher, as a student. An environment that is safe, fun; however, is also a synergetic group of student willing to put their own ideas together to create one big solution is vital to successful student learning and effective teaching.

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The curriculum of any classroom should include organization, synergy, cooperation, honesty, and kindness. All classmates and teacher should get along, and agree on what will happen if something goes wrong. I believe an effective teacher exhibits many qualities. For example honesty, trustworthy, caring, humbleness, kind, respectful, fun, enthusiastic, patient, and generous. As a teacher, I will develop these qualities in myself by growing as a person, understanding I make a daily impact on my students.

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I will also make sure to have a good attitude always.

As a teacher, I will teach in all the three learning styles, and get to know beforehand what stage of cognitive development my students are in to better the learning experience for all students. Teachers must develop students in a variety of ways because of the different learning styles and stages of cognitive development. This can be very well represented by B.F. Skinnier’s theory of behavior where each individual responds to events that happen in their environment; the response makes a behavior, which can be either rewarded or receive punishment as a consequence. Learning can be a way of changing the way someone behaves. I believe all teachers should also keep in mind that at times students may want to work at their own pace. According to Maria Montessori, she believed a child may be independent as long as adults observe them, correct them with their mistakes, have a prepared learning setting, and understand that certain ages need a lesson to absorb information. As a teacher, I must not only teach them the standards but also the morals and principles of life. It is not just about getting all their homework organized but, also learning to treat with people while keeping their beliefs and respecting themselves. Jean Piaget says that a child creates a mental model of the world, as cognitive development happens with biological maturation and a child’s interaction with the world.

I believe students learn best when they feel comfortable and motivated. Also when they know they feel accepted, by his/her classmates and teacher, no matter what they think or believe. Students should at all times feel happy, safe, and enjoyable. They should feel free to talk to their teacher at any time with any situation. Students should know their teachers care about each of them. A teacher must work hand-in-hand with the community because they set an example for the community, they are the greatest leaders. Just as they are willing to help their students, they should help others outside the school. As a teacher, I will involve the community in my career by participating and try to also involve my students in community events, contribute to charities, or even host an event for those who are needy or are passing through a hard time. I believe the community is to be responsible for giving teachers a helping hand when they need it. Whether it is helping them emotionally, mentally, or even physically, they are to help them in any way they can. There are many educators who can really use this, as being a teacher is pretty hard mentally and emotionally, it should be the community’s job to help contribute to keeping educators strong.

My goal as a teacher is to impact and help all of my students as much as I can. I want to be there hope for them to believe they can achieve anything in life if they really want it. Helping people has always been something big to me, and what better way to help parents and students then to actually teach and motivate kids daily. I want to make an impact, and get to see my students be successful. Seeing someone I have helped become successful is very fulfilling and I hope to get to experience that in the future.

Updated: Jan 24, 2024
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Personal Philosophy of Education: Fostering Success as an Educator. (2024, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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