Password Protection as a Part of Cyber Security

Today, everyone is having online banking account and  e-mail account . Safety is an important aspect. If some intruder steal our password, then we have to pay high price for it. So protecting password is a significant factor for each and every one in this e-world. This speech provides mechanism to protect our online password. Choosing a Good Password Your password is what tells the computer that you are who you say you are. Until we can do retina scans like in James Bond movies, the password is the best that we can do.

But, because your password is like a key to your account, you need to safeguard it.

Anyone who has your password can get into your account, and your files. Anyone who can guess your password has it. Anyone who has your password can pose as you. Therefore, you may be held responsible for someone else's actions, if they are able to get your password. You may not wish this to happen.

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Tips on safeguarding your password

  • First and foremost, NEVER give your password to anyone. "Anyone'' means your coworkers, your spouse, your systems administrator. In the event of an emergency, the sysadmin can change your password. Your sytems administrator never has a need to know your personal password. If someone needs to get onto our machines, and has a reason to be here, do not give them access to your account. Speak to the systems staff about us setting up an account for them. We would be very happy to give them one.
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  • Make your password something you can remember. Do not write it down. If you really, honestly forget your password, we can easily give you a new one. We'd rather set your password once a month because you forgot it than have someone find it written down and gain unauthorized access to your account.
  • Make your password difficult for others to guess. This is not as hard as it initially seems. See the section below on chosing a good password.
  • DO NOT Change your password because of mail from someone claiming to be your systems administrator, supposedly needing access to your files!! This is a popular scam in some circles.

Remember, your systems administrator never needs your password for any reason. If someone needs to ask you to change your password so that they can gain entry to your account, they do not have reason to be there. We run sophisticated password crackers on the password files of our machines.

Updated: Jul 20, 2021
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Password Protection as a Part of Cyber Security. (2018, Jul 06). Retrieved from

Password Protection as a Part of Cyber Security essay
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