The Nuanced Relationship Between Ownership and Sense of Self

Categories: Treatise


Ownership is a concept that elicits diverse perspectives, with some viewing it positively and others negatively. However, before forming opinions on its merits, it is essential to understand the fundamental meaning of ownership. This essay delves into the nuanced relationship between ownership and sense of self, exploring how both tangible and intangible possessions contribute to one's identity.

Ownership Beyond Tangible Objects

Like the renowned philosopher Jean-Paul Sarte, I believe that ownership extends beyond physical possessions to encompass intangible entities such as thoughts and ideas.

One's thoughts and ideas are inherently unique, belonging solely to the individual. This sense of ownership extends to one's self, contributing to a sense of identity. Additionally, skills and knowledge acquired over time also contribute to one's ownership of self. Proficiency in a skill or deep understanding of a subject signifies ownership of that skill or knowledge, shaping one's identity.

Personal Experience and Skill Ownership

My own experience joining the volleyball team exemplifies the integration of skill ownership with sense of self.

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Through dedicated practice and improvement, I developed a high level of skill in volleyball, culminating in my identity as a volleyball player.

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This illustrates how the acquisition of skills becomes intertwined with one's identity, highlighting the close relationship between ownership and sense of self.

Furthermore, the process of skill acquisition often involves significant personal investment, both in terms of time and effort. This investment reinforces the ownership of the skill, as individuals develop a strong sense of pride and accomplishment in their abilities. For example, as I dedicated myself to mastering volleyball techniques and strategies, I felt a profound sense of ownership over my skillset, which in turn bolstered my sense of self-confidence and identity as a volleyball player.

Ownership of Tangible Items

Ownership of tangible items also plays a crucial role in shaping one's sense of self. In contemporary society, social status and identity are often linked to material possessions. While some argue that material ownership is detrimental to character, others, like Aristotle, contend that tangible objects can contribute to moral development. For example, personal items with sentimental or religious significance, such as a religious bracelet, serve as constant reminders of one's morals, discipline, and faith.

Moreover, the act of owning tangible objects often involves a sense of attachment and responsibility. Individuals may form emotional connections with certain possessions, viewing them as extensions of themselves. These possessions become intertwined with one's identity, reflecting personal preferences, values, and experiences. For instance, a cherished family heirloom may represent a connection to one's heritage and ancestry, influencing one's sense of belonging and identity within a familial context.

Impact of Tangible Objects on Identity

Personal belongings like religious artifacts not only serve practical purposes but also play a significant role in shaping one's identity. For instance, wearing a religious bracelet symbolizes adherence to a particular faith and serves as an outward expression of religious identity. Thus, tangible objects contribute to the construction and reinforcement of one's sense of self.

Furthermore, the significance attributed to tangible objects often extends beyond their physical attributes. The value assigned to these possessions is subjective and deeply personal, influenced by individual experiences and perceptions. As a result, the ownership of tangible items can profoundly impact one's self-image and sense of identity. For example, a successful professional may derive a sense of accomplishment and prestige from owning luxury goods, which in turn shapes their identity as a successful and affluent individual.


The relationship between ownership and sense of self is complex and multifaceted, encompassing both tangible and intangible aspects of life. Whether through the ownership of thoughts, ideas, skills, or physical possessions, individuals construct and define their identities. Understanding this intricate interplay between ownership and sense of self provides insight into the complexities of human identity and personal development.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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The Nuanced Relationship Between Ownership and Sense of Self essay
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