Overlooking The Consequences To Rebel For A Change In Romeo and Juliet Love Story

Morals and traditional values help to form the shape of families and society. Though they’re not always perceived in the same way. The old generation continue their conservative ways expecting the young to incorporate and preserve these ways to build up in the future. The young however, have different views and decide the unknown from the known, creating a separation between the old and the young. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the older counterparts are conservative and hold views which differ from the young.

As a result, the young lovers build up a disobedient nature to fight for their love which lead to their tragic deaths.

In the play, the older counterparts hold traditional views in contrast to the young. Juliet’s mother, Lady Capulet, insists Juliet on getting married at age she is in: “Well, think of marriage now; younger than you, Here in Verona, ladies of esteem, Are made already mothers. By my count, I was your mother much upon these years That you are now a maid.

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Thus then in brief: The valiant Paris seeks you for his love.” Lady Capulet compares Juliet to how she, and other women have married young. Despite Juliet only being thirteen years of age, she pressures her into thinking of marriage when Juliet has not even given any thought of it yet. In this instance, Lady Capulet is not even considering Juliet’s thoughts and feelings and puts pressure on Juliet to think of marriage just for the sake of tradition.

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Juliet’s relationship with her father also shows the attitude women are to have towards men. In the beginning, Lord Capulet is seen as a supportive, loving father: “The earth hath swallow’d all my hopes but she, She is the hopeful lady of my earth: But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart, My will to her consent is but a part;”. He loves Juliet and calls her the “hopeful lady” of his earth. He understands that her consent plays a role in marrying Paris. He will only approve of the marriage when she makes a decision. He’s also aware that she “hath not seen the change of fourteen years” and is too young to be married. This shows that he cares for Juliet and is cautious of her future while understanding she must also have a say. However, after the tragedy of Tybalt’s death, he forces Juliet to marry Paris. Yet, when she refuses his command, Lord Capulet is filled with anger: “Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch! I tell thee what: get thee to church o’Thursday, Or never look me in the face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me!” Lord Capulet feels enraged when Juliet disobeys him and calls her a “disobedient wretch”. Even before consulting with Juliet, he accepts Paris’s offer and decides that Juliet marrying Paris will rid the grief of their kinsman, Tybalt. Because Capulet is in such high authority, Juliet is overruled by him. Hence, she must listen to him. Juliet disregards the traditional value of her arranged marriage because she is married to Romeo. Prior to the beginning, Lord Capulet now has his own intentions for Juliet’s future and does not consider her thoughts and feelings. He overlooks Juliet’s desires instead of with what can benefit him. This shows the power of male authority and how significant it is for Juliet in marrying Paris for her father to become successful and carry on the Capulet’s name. Their father-daughter relationship suggests the morals Juliet is to have towards her father, which she cannot go against.

Throughout the course of the play, Romeo and Juliet build up a disobedient nature to rebel for their love which unfortunately, lead to the tragedy of their deaths. Before the two lovers meet, they are obedient characters. Juliet respects her mother’s wishes when she is spoken to about marrying Paris: “I’ll look to like, if looking like move; But no more deep will I endart mine eye Than your consent gives strength to make it fly.”Although Juliet is not interested and has not yet given a thought about marriage, she listens to her mother. She is loyal to her family and will do as they tell her to. Juliet understands her limits and will not move any further than she is allowed to. Though, when both characters meet, they’re urged to challenge their limitations. Juliet goes against her family by asking Friar Lawrence for help to escape her marriage with Paris: “Tell me not, Friar, that thou hear’st of this, Unless thou tell me how I may prevent it.” Juliet desperately needs help and is willing to do anything to save her love with Romeo. At this point she can’t rely on her family because of the hasty decisions they made. She is forced to go against and look passed her family in order to be with her lover. She puts her trust in Friar and goes with his plan of faking her death. By doing so, she disobeys her family while having them think she is accepting her marriage with Paris. While Romeo is in Mantua, he finds out about Juliet’s death: “Thou know’st my lodging; get me ink and paper, And hire post-horses; I will hence to-night.” With this sudden news, Romeo decides to travel to Verona, despite being banished. He puts himself in danger by going to Verona. He disobeys the Prince’s command of being exiled. From the moment the two lovers meet, they are forced to hate each other because of their feuding families. However, both Romeo and Juliet are mature enough to understand that their names cannot come in between their love. They fall deeply for each other, and being so passionate for one another, look passed their names. As they are forbidden to be together, their feuding families are what pushes them to become rebellious to fight for their love. Because their love is so strong, it is the only thing they care about and would do anything to save. The lack of understanding the old have towards the young is what causes the tragedy of their deaths. The older counterparts are to blame for the tragedy due to ongoing grudge they hold for each other’s families. Ultimately, the tragedies allow both families to overlook their dispute and consider the impact it had caused on both lovers, to eventually unite in peace.

The old and young in the play hold different attitudes and beliefs which causes a lack of understanding between them. The customs that the elder preserve, influence the growth of the young rebellious lovers, in hopes to save their love but alternately result to their passing’s. Preserving customs and values are important, but they often become the barrier of one’s desires. Surpassing that barrier means facing the challenges that are yet to come along the way. In a world of a division between the young and old, is being pushed to fight for what you believe in the only way for a change?

Works Cited

  1. Shakespeare, William, and Ken Roy. Romeo and Juliet. Toronto: Harcourt Canada, 1999. Print.
Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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