Organizational Network Infrastructure

Information technology or IT and other forms of networking structures are perhaps two of the most worn out yet extremely significant tools or systems that organizations or institutions are implementing within the working environments or dimensions at present time. However, the importance of IT to organizations is never overlooked since it has contributed various benefits to the organization which helps in raising its performance ratings and competitive advantage.

Some of the contributions presented by IT and network systems to organizations include the efficiency of carrying out accounting processes and operations, the identification or future problems and concerns through risk analysis, the increased speed in conducting transactions to and from partners or clients, etc.

(Borgatti, 1996) For these reasons, organizations are highly interested in incorporating IT and network systems to their processes and operations. However, designing and implementing IT and network systems are not easy processes.

There are various features or elements of these systems that organizations need to consider in order to ensure that the IT systems and the network infrastructures will not fail in terms of accomplishing the goals and objectives of the organization that will consequently lead to organizational success.

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With this in mind, the remainder of the text will discuss the various prerequisites or requirements that organizations need in order to establish a network infrastructure basing it on the five basic security principles – layering, limiting, diversity, obscurity, and simplicity.

Of all the various considerations that organizations need to concern their selves with, security is the most important, and the five basic security principles will help them in addressing such concerns.

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The five basic security principles were established in order to provide information on how IT or network systems are supposed to be protected from attacks originating from external parties and consequently structuring defenses in order to guard the IT or network system from these attacks.

There are various ways by which IT and networks systems may be attacked by external parties. For instance, attacks may originate through the Internet by means of DDoS or spywares, by guessing personal passwords, or by creating backdoors through the process of hacking. (“Security Basics,” 2008) Layering refers to the establishment of a number of security measures or barriers that will be able to handle a variety of attacks as well. This is most beneficial in handling security on a wider scope as the layering approach is able to address a multitude of attacks at once.

Diversity operates in the same way as layering; however, it does not seem to respond to a variety of attacks or threats. Diversity works like a defense that constitutes various layers of security measures. When external parties attempt to attack or break into one of the layers, it will not be able to go through the other established layers with the same process or technique used previously. (“Security Basics,” 2008) In the practical sense, layering and diversity may be implemented in the physical security dimension of the organization.

Setting up a series of security measures on the physical access of the organizations, such as various biometric components – from iris to fingerprint scans, to voice and face recognition systems, unique signatures and passwords, to scanning of the geometry or features of hands and fingers – allows the existence of security measures that are diverse, and at the same time “unbreachable” as they are unique components of security and they constitute varying levels of security which makes it difficult for external parties to attack them all at once. (Podio & Dunn, 2002)

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Organizational Network Infrastructure. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Organizational Network Infrastructure essay
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