Organised and disorganised crime scenes


Crime scenes are an initial point with the intention of differentiating between two types of serial killers and what aspects could be considered as triggers towards perpetrators choice, what kind of a victims committed the murders, there are two kinds of crimes scenes namely organized and disorganized crime scenes. Generally, crimes scenes are major source of victim profiling to determine type of offender being investigated. This essay will be comparing and differentiating between organized and disorganized crime scenes in support of brief case study that will be attached as example to extract factors that would support and confirm the above indicated types of scenes.

Defining Serial Killer

Objectively the term has not confirmed definition and used therefore that situation made cases existence difficult.

According to Jerkins (1989), scholars differ on whether serial homicide should include only acts without rational motive, whereas Browny & Gerassies (1980), a person would not be described as a serial killer if he or she murdered for profit or political motive .

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As profiling becomes more scientific, subjective approach interpretation, are all that is now available, so they must be used as bases for educational and investigation: most authors agreed that the central feature of serial murder is repetition, then Egger (1984) included six features in his working definitions of serial murder. The must be at-least two murders, and usually no relationships between victims and offender. Three murders are committed at different times and same murders often occurs at difference location. Killings are not committed for material gain, such as money or insurance, however compulsive acts or are directed at gratifying needs which have development through fantasy, additionally and subsequently victims have common characteristic between earlier and later victims,

Criminal Profiling

Early fantasies often give rise to behavior tryouts that are precursors to criminal behavior MacCulloch, 1983!.

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These precursor behaviors have the capacity to move the child into pain-inflicting acts and to break through in subtle, as well as overt, ways. They may emerge as play-engagement behaviors with others

Organized Offender

According to organized silent classification personality of the offender is identified through profiling. An organized offender is known to be skilled individual which can maintain his / her social relationship and would surprisingly and defeat or overcoming: the victim (Aisworth, 2001). Most of organized offenders are known to imitate no discipline in a non-criminal activity environment (Ressler et al 1985)., and likely known to have trained on employment skills. Claimed to be planning his / her plans of offending, uses restraints on the victims, and prior organized remove a weapon from the scene of crime. They are identified to kill after they have been exposed to stress event and would verbally engage victims prior their death.

Offender Number Four

"ZERO" (created name) was a White male with a historic verbal and physical abuse upbringing, according to Holmes and DeBurger (1985) many serial killers are born out of wedlock, and, as children, many endure physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Zero's bad academic performance of failing grade three, then he labeled self as being low esteemed individual which lead to school dropout with underlying immature personality the man received an honorable discharge at military, who had a hatred for women after going through a divorce from a three-year stormy marriage in nine years as he was often convicted from different crimes for instance robberies and assault. At age 35, he killed eight White victims aged between 08 and 55 years old in a period of nine months on four different incidences (three males and five females) five being college students, this offender also scored in the ''very high'' range on the PCL-R psychopathy measure, Serial murder in America 403 Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Behav. Sci. Law 22: 395-414 (2004) with a score of 36. Although that Zero was a frequent traveler, intelligent low cheating impulsive criminal who lacked ability to maintain long-term goals, he grew along to become a serial killer who then took all the time in planning his acts through voyeuristic developed behaviour.

He raped four of his female victims and mutilated their bodies through cutting, stabbing, biting, and evisceration. He attempted to remove evidence through unique means, by using household cleaning agents found in their homes. He also posed some of the female victims in ways that indicated his desire to taunt, shock, and offend those who found them. For example, he left them nude on beds or on the floors of their residences, with their legs spread apart. He decapitated one and left her head positioned prominently in her home. Because these unusual behavioral features were repeated in some of the murders, however, it is noted that in these murders, there were more outwardly discernable common features present, including location, timing, and victim characteristics, such as age and gender. His preferred weapon was a large knife, which he felt enabled him to become a more efficient ''killing machine.''

In practice, the sadist may receive pleasure from four components of his deviant sexual behavior, including domination and control; fear and terror of the victim; inflicting physical injuries on the victim; and rituals, cannibalism, and sexual excitement by an unconscious or dead victim (Langevin et al., 1988)

Supporting Information

The above indicated information highlights clearly Zero as being an organized serial killer, in view from profiling of his modus operandi and the signature presented on a case study, for instance, his signature of his victims taken through a surgery process. Through his voyeuristic mind of feed his fantasy he could thoroughly select his victims, Burgess et al. (1986), argued that a sense of power and control is created through a need to satisfy individual's fantasies, as a result Zero's removal to his psychological world into fantasy world through voyeurism, resulted in him being dependent to those fantasies and felt fulfilled in comparison to usual helpless experienced state (Gresswell & Hollin, 1994). As usual he was recognized as an organized serial killer able to plan his offence and make sure he appropriately performed his intention, for an example Zero took all his time in mutilating all his victims as his signature, an act that required a closed hidden area where an offender needed no disturbance until he/she is done with his plans intended. Zero always went out like a hunter who prepared his tools at site to look for specific species assured of area and time of capture, and able to relax as individual who was alert to perform his intention to the core.

Disorganized Offender

Offender who lacks planning and mostly attack or kill victims somehow especially when opportunity prevails for self. Mostly recognized to be a person who has a challenge of maintaining social relationships which therefore increases the chances of sexual ignorance as well as having potential of sexual deterioration (Pinizzotto, AIJ, 1984), An individual who leaves clues in a scene of crime. He / she is often considered to be socially inadequate and through profiling disorganized offenders seem to have common characters of living alone, being either first or last born in their families, found to be individual confused, who knows or aware of their victims.

Offender Number Six

"SUPER" (faked name) was a Black male with a highly unstable through parental verbal abuse. While there is no Serial murder in America 405 Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Behav. Sci. Law 22: 395-414 (2004) indications of any psychological problems,

he attended special education classes due to learning difficulties. He had a speech impediment and an IQ of 68 (mentally deficient). He was also involved in fire-setting and animal cruelty. As he entered adulthood, and became assaultive against adults. Starting at the age of 33, he killed three women (two White and one Hispanic) and two men (one Black and one White) over an 18-month period. a remarkable level of criminal sophistication, which contributed to his being rated a psychopath. For example, although he used the same handgun for all five offenses, he altered it after each murder so that the cases could not be forensically linked through ballistic comparisons. Super was a mere burglary, robbery and sexual criminal and happened to be unorganized serial killer as 90% of his victims were killed due to circumstances of him persuading his goal of successful burglary or limiting witness, whereas amongst the three women and two men aged between 38 - 87 years he killed from different Black, White and Hispanic ethnic groups only one victim suffered death from a joke made against Super.

Supporting Information

As it stated clearly through authors that most of disorganized serial killers' method of their killings are from reactive situation, unexpected manner, and the murders are mostly not precisely achieved (Ressler, Burgess, & Douglas, 1988). Super used a handgun that he always manipulated its parts to further lure law enforcement as to successfully persuade his burglary and robbery criminal acts, no apparent signature that identifies him to all killed victims, and no clear evidence that could identify and tie him as a n intentional killer. The modus operand confirms that all victims were attacked and killed at their respective homes where somehow law enforcement would identify external criminal acts such as robbery or burglary being a lead to murder experienced.


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  2. Beasley, J. O. (2004). Serial murder in America: Case studies of seven offenders. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 22(3), 395-414.
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  7. Egger, S. A. (1984). A working definition of serial murder and the reduction of linkage blindness. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 12, 348-357.
  8. Gresswell, D. M., & Hollin, C. R. (1994). Multiple murder: A review. The I British Journal of Criminoloa, 34, 1-14.
  9. Hartman, C.R., Burgess, A.W., Ressler, R.K., D'Agostino, R.B., and Douglas, J.E. 1985. Men who murder. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin: Special Issue on Sexual Homicide and Serial Murders, August.
  10. Langevin. R., Ben-Aron, M. H., Wright, P., Marchese, V., & Handy, L. (1988). The sex killer. Annals of Sex Research, 1,263-301.
  11. O'Toole, M.E. 1999. Criminal profiling: The FBI uses criminal investigative analysis to solve crimes. Corrections Today, February 44-46.
  12. Pinizzotto, A.J (1984) Forensic Psychology: criminal personality profiling. Journal of Police Science and Administration 14 (3) 32 - 40.
  13. Ressler, R.K., Douglas, J.E., D'Agostino, R.B., and Burgess, A.W. 1985. Crime scene and profile characteristics of organized and disorganized murderers. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin: Special Issue on Sexual Homicide and Serial Murderers, August.
  14. Ressler, R. K., Burgess, A. W., & Douglas, J. E. (1988). Sexual homicide: Patterns and motives. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Updated: May 19, 2021
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