Beverage Company Expands to Multinational Stores: A Strategic Business Analysis

Executive summary

The report was shaped and imagined base on the beverage company, extended its business to include distribution to multinational stores across the state. However, the company's IT systems are completely outdated and employ a temporary approach. Today, many companies rely on efficient, accurate information flow. The report includes recommendations to the company's CEO or executive director that the development and implementation of a new integrated ERP is essential, and that the system will collect processes and distribute the information to various parts of the business.


In recent years, innovation has been one of the most discussed and most demanding organizational functions.

Of course, the main goal of financial activities is considered to be the most important tool for organizations to benefit from their competitors. In order to survive in a competitive business environment, companies must constantly change their business processes. At the most basic level, ERP software integrates these various functions into a complete system to streamline processes including related data.

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The core function of the entire ERP system is to share the database and support many of the features used by other parts of the company.

Company Profile

Company Name : Organic Bomb

Organic Bomb sales have increased by 20% annually by 100% fruit juice and are currently sold in as many as 100 outlet stores. Organic Bomb has been a successful product brand in Asian country for five years. Organic Bomb will gross $600,000 in sales this year. This was generated from a initial investment of $160,000. Organic Bomb is planning to expand its operation to include distribution to stores within the entire state.

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Owner funding and internally generated cash flow will enable most the expansion plan. Sales projections for the next three years are based on current sales success with the target customer base in Asian GDP. Initial contacts have been completed with retail outlets throughout the state and the potential target markets have been identified. They aim to hit the sales revenues growing to $1.2 million by Year 2.


Reasonable Price, healthy organic juice. Target customers are Kids and Old personal who caring their health. 100% sole owned by Singaporean.

  • Manpower
  • Approximately 200
  • Organizational chart:
  • Their product
  • Classified into 3 groups as
  • Fruit Vegetable Branded fruit juice
  • Apple Carrot Jungle juice
  • Cherry Cucumber Rose's lime juice
  • Grape Tomatoes Winter melon punch


We serve the quality and freshness as much as possible to support to public health with Organic Bomb.

Currently Using Systems

Organic Bomb is using MIS such as Customer Chart, Sales Management, Inventory and Stock Control, Procurement, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Tax Processing, Personnel Data, Payroll, Time Entry, Travel, Performance Management. However, there have been many safety issues that Organic Bomb faces with such a information system since the early stages of use and it becomes a big issue on the corporate agenda. Today, Organic Bomb tackles the challenge of treating distributed computer networks ' complicated data safety problems. As company functions and interventions are becoming increasingly paperless, a enormous number of e-commerce tasks, more Internet use - and ever-changing technology mean that Tesco is having fresh threats, risks and vulnerabilities

Difficulties faced in Using Systems

Central coordination should arise in decentralized affiliation. The organization will fall into anarchy without leadership as well as control. The other units must not be affected by this shift in inner structure. MIS projects are generally not anticipated to produce results from distinct sectors (Maas, van Fenema & Soeters, 2014).

They have also acquired knowledge and some results have been accomplished, and the project may not be deemed a failure. Ransomware is a form of malicious software that blocks, generally by encrypting it, access to a computer system or information until the victim pays the attacker a premium. The demand for ransom comes with a deadline in many instances. We often found technical constraints, restricted resources, absence of methodology, and sometimes not enough experience in running big projects, among the reasons for explaining the shortcomings, however fundamental centralized techniques are rarely challenged. Usually this is achieved by visiting the personal details of other people. Once the information is acquired by cyber criminals, shopping online can also be used while pretending to be someone else. Phishing is the techniques cybercriminals use to obtain such personal details. Phishing may require creating unauthorized or fake websites that also look like legitimate websites and emails for company.

Suggested ERP System

NetSuite ERP is the best ERP system for your company. This end-to-end platform is perfect for companies wishing to develop quickly as it can automate and streamline business processes. NetSuite ERP provides the correct set of instruments and characteristics to assist companies handle their receivables, inventory, accounting, orders, payroll and other significant company issues better. Moreover, it can easily prove.

ERP System

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is business process management software that enables an organization to use an embedded application system to handle the company and automate many technology, services and human resources linked back office tasks.

Typically, ERP software integrates all aspects of an activity including product planning, creation, manufacturing, sales and marketing.

Benefits of Using ERP system

Now that we have clarified some misconceptions, it's time to move on to why ERP software is being implemented by businesses around the globe. For many organizations, enterprise resource planning systems are an asset. They make your business run smoother by unifying and protecting your information, automating processes, and producing easy-to-understand trends. The advantages of an organization's ERP systems make your day-to-day activities and long-term planning more effective with these and many more capacities.

Why the company should use ERP system

ERP Systems are essential to our Organic Bomb as they enable us to streamline our workflow and solve a number of daily operations pain points. Top management has to clarify the reasons for execution realistically and how it will profit if the staff of the organization embrace the general company wholeheartedly. Making errors, clumsy, manual procedures, etc. is simple. It will cost cash and time for the business. As a consequence, businesses should further enhance the effectiveness of business processes by automating important operations (Wu, 2011). We can accelerate client lodging with these software solutions at your disposal, eliminate repetitive back-office procedures, consolidate information more effectively, and enhance team communication.

Some Concerns about ERP system

ERP system installation is expensive. ERP advisors take about 60 percent of the budget very costly. Success relies on the workforce's abilities and experience, including training, and how the system works correctly. Resistance in exchanging inner data among departments can decrease the software's effectiveness. It can be hard to use the systems. If there is resistance to sharing data between company units or departments, the efficacy of the ERP system may reduce. Because of the powerful modifications brought into the culture of job by the application of the ERP system, the same employees may be poorly educated or disinterested. The ERP used in this study is defined as follows: Set of the management tools across the enterprise that balances supply and demand, including the capability to connect suppliers and customers to a complete the supply chain, and use proven the business processes to make decisions, and Provides a high degree of cross-functional integration between marketing, sales, manufacturing, logistics, operations, procurement, innovative product growth, human resources and finance, enabling people to operate their company with huge stage of consumer service as well as productivity while reducing costs and Inventory; and lay foundation for the helpful e-commerce (Boothby, 2007).

ERP can make the company more effective than ever, but owing to incorrect application of ERP, many ERP application procedures fail. There is no denying that it is a significant job to deploy ERP, but it does not involve pain. Implementing ERP by adequate planning and execution should be a smooth method (Hsiung & Wang, 2014). The successful implementation of ERP planning and execution is called the ERP implementation method or the ERP implementation life cycle


  1. ERP implementation project kickoff and team Forming
  2. Submission of the proposal and Necessity gathering
  3. Project Customization
  4. Implement training programs as planned to gain practical experience

Recommendation and Conclusion

It is the essence of improving the business process. It is a tale of accomplishment and success, whether it is part of the Organic Bomb scheme and cooperation (Supramaniam, Abdullah & Ponnan, 2014). ERP / BRP and IT not only contribute to core business development, process efficiency and automation in the business function area, however also save time, quality, money, security and international development, as well as expansion or branding for Organic Bomb's leadership drive name.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Beverage Company Expands to Multinational Stores: A Strategic Business Analysis. (2019, Nov 14). Retrieved from

Beverage Company Expands to Multinational Stores: A Strategic Business Analysis essay
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