My states of consciousness


There are several states of consciousness experienced throughout the span of 24 hours. Each stage has its own substages. They vary from times when we are sleeping, to when we are fully awake and going about our day. Brain and body funcitions vary during each of these states. Some systems continue to function normally or at slower pace, while others completely relax depending on the state the body and the brain are in. It appears as if each individual had a "biological clock" that directs these psychological and physiological functions.

This clock although similar in all humans, is also very individual. The following is a description of my own states of consciousness from the last 24 hours as my own awareness allows me to remember.

Many people begin the day full of energy but then start to feel run-down by mid-afternoon. Other people struggle to plod through the morning routine only to finally feel energetic in the evening. The daily fluctuations of energy levels are known as the circadian rhythm and play and important role in human consciousness.

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Sometimes referred to as the body's 'clocks,' these daily rhythms have a major impact on your consciousness as well as a wide number of physiological states. Understanding these biological and environmental rhythms can tell you a great deal about how body clocks can influence states of consciousness.

For my wakeful state I am always on high alert except for periods where I want to relax. When I want to relax meditation is my way to relax and keep my thoughts and activities to a minimum.

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Meditation is a great way to clear the mind of all the negativity and release stress. Studies have shown that relaxation techniques such as meditation have increased alpha wave activity in the brain, which is an indication of being both relaxed and awake. Meditaton calms you down is a great way to feel better after very stressful moments.

My alertness is preety overall good. I am always drinking caffeine and five hour energy which for some people doesn't work to give energy and keep them alert. I am a very hyperactive person to begin with I think it has to do with ADHD a bit but other than that I tend to hear external stimuli more than most people. it is important to limit to only important stimuli but due to my severe alertness even conversations in the office from other people I'll pick up on.

Although I used to be a night person who would stay up all night My biological clock was really messed up. I used to have to stay up all night and sleep all day. I have recently started a new job wand with this new job I am now working Mondays through Friday . I work 9am to 5 pm so my biological clock is now starting to set to it's new parameters.

The first state is sleep. I went to bed around 9:30pm. After I closing my eyes, I slowly drifted away and entered a very relaxed state but I was still semi aware of my surroundings. This state lasted approximately ten minutes. This was stage one of the sleep cycle. I fell asleep. I am not sure how much time elapsed, but I remember having several vivid dreams. Most of dreams occur during the fourth stage of sleep, also known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) During this stage, although I am not personally aware of it, research shows that there is a lot of brain activity and the eyes are moving rapidly from to side to side (even though they are closed) There is also an increase in the respiration rate. The rest of the body is in a relaxed state. Sleep has 5 stages of consciousness. when I am asleep I don't hear any external stimuli. I am in a very deep sleep . No noises from the outside , ambulances, fire truck,police I cannot hear anything . Sometimes my friends wake me up in the morning and tell me that the house could very well burn down and I would continue to sleep.

Around 7am I woke up on my own (my biological clock activated on its own )I did not wake up refreshed or rested. I have a hard time fully waking up. My individual biological clock is different than other people I know that wake up refreshed and energized. Despite that, I was in a wake state. During this state the body can engage in activites like eating, exercising and is most responsive to external stimuli. Research shows that the body is most alert between 11am and 7pm. Circadian Rhythm is also part of our biological clock. My circadian rhythm is a little on the bad side. In part due to my work history in the past where I worked jobs that were in the overnight hours.

I arrived at work around 8am. I was alert for maybe an hour. After that, I started daydreaming. Daydreaming is an altered state of consciuosness. During this state, the brain naturally cycles to different modes of thinking. While I was on that state I was not really aware of my surroundings, I was zoned out. The noise around me did not bother me.I was more focused on my own thoughts which were about school work, finding a different job. There is scientific research that claims that the part of the brain that controls attention and stress responses actually reboots itself during daydreaming. I cannot attess to that because my brain did not feel refreshed at all after I came back from my daydream.

Around 1pm I left the office to go have lunch. I was very alert. All my senses were engaged, I noticed the sounds, she smells around me. My body was ready to respond to any exterior stimuli. I noticed the people around me talking, heard the noises of the construction sites. My biological clock was indicating that my body needed nourishment and that fact alone made me very alert to my surroundings. I tend to be very highly alert at 1pm while I am eating my state of consciousness Is on high alert. I can hear all the external stimuli around me and I am very focused.

In an attempt to maintain homeostasis, the body goes through many processes. These processes include different state of awareness in which the brain goes from high responses to external to stimuli to deep relaxed states when the body restores itself. The brain never really rests but the levels of activity vary from state to state of consciousness. In the last 24 hours my body and brain went through all the states of consciousness that included sleep, wake state, daydreaming and alertness.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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